Chapter Eight : She's a nightmare

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3rd pov

When Yona decided that she wanted to travel with (Y/N) to the wind village, she didn't realize how much her lack of trianing would be tested.

She and her group were having a difficult time trying to keep up with the dark haired girl. She had changed her normal legs into those black scaly look alikes of Jaeha's leg. They still didn't understand her gift. She was jumping from tree to tree, stopping only to eat a snack or drink water. She never checked on the people behind her. Hak didn't know whether he wanted to choke her out or stab her as she made snarky remarks of her highness.

'You need to try harder to keep up girly!'

'Goodness, you really were a spoiled princess.'

'Does her highness need a royal break?'

Whenever he tried speaking up, she'd throw a dagger at his face stating he needed to butt out. The other boys weren't treated differently. She would throw rocks at the others whenever they tried to tell her off. Except Shinah, oddly enough.

Yona tried telling them it was fine. It's not like she's saying anything untrue. If anything, her words were encouraging her to keep following her. (/) would watch from her branch, seeing the princess push herself. She leaned on the tree and gently smiling, knowing they were too far away to see. After all, she doesn't want them to know she's already got a soft spot so soon, now does she?

But what she forgot was that one of the boys could see from far away. And he saw her smile and felt his face go warm seeing her like that.

'What is wrong with me?' He thought.

The sun had started to set when she finally took a break. She landed on her final tree and turned around to check on her 'companions.' If they were traveling with her, she suppose she should care. She saw Jaeha catching his breath two trees away and Shinah not that far away from him. She looks down at the ground and sees Kija carrying Yoon with his dragon hand complaining about cramps.

And in the back was Hak carrying Yona on his back trying to stay with the group. 'The one who wants to kill me is the one who's falling behind, hilarious.' Oh-scratch that. She saw a yellow blob behind them panting heavily, looking like he's about to pass out.

She drops herself onto the ground and unpacks her things, patiently waiting for the princess' group. She gathered dried leaves and twigs and quickly started a fire, the smoke going up in the air. The first one to arrive was Jaeha. He was limping, his dragon leg stinging from using his powers for an extended amount of time. (/) looks at him and offered him an apple. "For your strength." He took the apple then sat next to her. "Why thank you darling, I am forever grat-"

She shoves the apple in his mouth, interrupting his long speech he most likely gave to each girl he saw. He takes a bite from the fruit and quietly eats, accepting that his flirting didn't work on his companion. 

They both look into the fire, entertained by the flames. Neither one spoke, patiently waiting for the others to join them. That was until (/) decided to break the silence.

"So why'd you join her?"

Jaeha looks over at (Y/N) and raises a brow? "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, why did you decide to join the princess' group?"

Jaeha looks at the girl then at the fire, trying to piece his words together. "Well, I decided to come on my own accord. She never made me, so let's be clear on that." He slid down the log and sat on the floor. "I decided to join her because she made me feel inspired, just like someone else did many years ago." He remembers his family back in Awa. He thinks back to how Gi-Gan let him join her crew, made him one of her own. He will always be grateful towards her. "I decided to stick around with them, see what comes out of this whole journey."

(/) quietly listens as he goes on about how he met Yona. First thing he mentioned was that Hak had kept him in a chokehold and he could've died happy. She almost threw him in the fire for that part.

Once he finished up his side of the story, (/) leaned into the fire trying to stay warm. The green dragon crossed his legs and decided to ask her something. "You know sweetie-"

He felt a blade on his throat and saw (/) holding it at the other end.

"Don't call me that."

He slowly pushed it away. "Noted. My question to you is why is your existence a mystery, hm?" He turns to look at her as she looks at the ground. "Mystery? What makes you think that?"

He chuckles and points towards the general area where everyone else was.

"Darkness has fallen upon the land.
The blood of the dragons will revive once again,
and the ancient pact will be kept.

When the four dragons are gathered,
the sword and shield which will protect the king shall awaken,
and the Red Dragon shall restore the dawn at last."

Jaeha holds up five fingers. "Yona is the red dragon's descendant, Kija is the white dragon's, Shinah is blue, Zeno is yellow's, and your's truly is the green dragon's." He points at each finger as he lists them off. He closes his hand then gestures to (/). "Notice how I didn't mention a black dragon."

(/) looks at Jaeha to see him staring right at her. "Yeah, so what?"

"Well why wasn't he mentioned?"

"No clue."

"You know something."

"Says who?"

"I believe you do."

(/) scoffs and gets up. Jaeha does the same and follows her as he continues.

"Why is your dragon shunned in the story?"

"No clue."

"You wouldn't be deflecting this much if you didn't know-"

(/) spins on her heel, her legs growing making her face Jaeha face to face. Her face hard. "Listen here, whether my dragon is in a stupid story or not shouldn't concern you. She doesn't matter, what matters is that you stop trying to ask questions I do not have answers to."

(/) glares hard at him then hears footsteps. She shrinks her legs back to their normal size then smiles in their direction, seeing Shinah panting, leaning onto a tree. She smirks at him turns her head to the side. "Aww, is someone tired from the jog?" She feels an arm wrap around her and green hairs gets near her eyes.

"Oh give him a break sweetie, he's still getting used to the outdoors." She turns to Jaeha confused. "What do you mean?"

Jaeha smiles and wraps his arm around Shinah. "That's for us to know and you to possibly find out." Shinah looks at him then towards the black haired girl. She looks at him with a curious look then turns away from them. She waves a hand behind her back towards them. "Alright, well let's get dinner started for your friends. I already know they'll talk my ear off."

She starts unpacking her cooking supplies then turns towards to the boys. "I'm going off to find some food for us, be good while I'm away." She pulls her hands up and shows off her 'new' set of daggers. "Thanks for lending me them, I'll bring 'em back in one piece!"

Jaeha felt his pockets and realized she stole them from him. He chuckles then waves her off as she goes deeper in the woods. He turns to Shinah and gives him a teasing grin. "So what do you think of fiesty over there?"

Shinah's face goes red and he looks away from his brother. Jaeha chuckles and leads Shinah to the fire. He bites into his apple again and they both wait for the rest of the group to catch up.


A/N - finally updated after like a few months ? thats kinda like a miracle ! hope y'all enjoyed <3

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