7. Advice

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Moondancer and her parents were sitting in the living room, as they had been for the past hour or so. They had been informed of what was happening, and sat her down for a long discussion. However, they weren't mad at her as she was expecting, but more disappointed that she felt like she couldn't talk to them. Moondancer was relieved to say the least, and now her life could finally go back to normal...hopefully. She had been sent home early today, since she was having a panic attack in the office. She wasn't happy to be missing out on the classes, and she hadn't missed a day since she transferred to Crystal Prep. But even she admitted that it would do her good to go home.

"So, you're really not mad at me?" Moondancer asked her parents once again.

"No, of course not!" her mom replied, pulling her into a hug. "We've told you, sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes," her dad agreed. "And this other girl better be getting in big trouble. Or else you're not going to this school anymore."

Moondancer was quiet for a moment. "It's been scary," she finally spoke up.

"I know it has," her mom said. "But please tell us if anything like this happens again. What if that girl actually did something to you?"

"I know, Moondancer sighed. "I should go to my room and do today's-"

"Don't worry," her mom told her. "You have plenty of time for homework. Don't you want to do something more relaxing?"

"It is, mom," Moondancer replied. "I love it. I think I'm going to start." She started off towards her room. Maybe she could also call Sunny Flare. It was 3:30, so school should be out.


Moondancer dropped her bag on the desk and sat down, picking up her phone. She dialed Sunny Flare and after a few seconds, she answered.

"Hey," Sunny said. "So, Sour Sweet and I are just leaving school and you'll never guess what's happening to Indigo Zap."

"Tell me everything," Moondancer said.

"She's getting kicked off the basketball team," Sunny informed her.

"Really?" Moondancer said, a little too excitedly. She shouldn't have been happy to hear about someone else's problems, but Indigo had it coming.

"Well, just temporarily," Sunny explained. "Only to teach her a lesson. She probably would have been expelled from school entirely if they didn't need her so badly. It's only for a month, but she's absolutely distraught. And it's lovely to see."

"I can imagine," Moondancer laughed.

"But she has been warned," Sunny continued. "If she touches you even once, she'll be expelled immediately. Oh, and her parents are really disappointed in her. The last thing I heard when they got in the car was that they were having a very serious discussion when they get home." The 2 girls laughed.

"So, what are you doing now?" Sunny asked. "Don't tell me you're studying again."

"I don't know why everyone thinks I hate studying," Moondancer said. "Like it's just something to get out of the way. I love it."

"Aww, great," Sunny replied. "Well, in that case, um...I did have a few questions on today's papers. Since you enjoy it so much, wanna help out a good friend?"

Moondancer felt her happiness disappear. She still had this problem to take care of...but not right now. Next time, though, she would tell them how she felt. "Oh, um...sure." she agreed.


After completing her homework, and just her own today, Moondancer felt a lot better. It was around 6:00 in the evening, and she had a lot on her mind. She still wasn't sure what to do about her friends. She didn't want to give up on helping them, but she felt like it wasn't her responsibility either. Unable to make a decision, she decided to talk to her mom about it.

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