10. Just as successful

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It had been a month since the day Moondancer's friends betrayed her, the worst day of her life. Now it was the middle of November, and she still hadn't gotten over it. Well, she would probably never get over it completely. She had been studying nonstop, and even talked to her parents less.

Moondancer sat in her room at the desk as usual, going through her books. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Moondancer said indifferently.

Her mom came inside. "Hello, Moony. How are you doing?"

"Fine," she said, not looking up from the desk.

"Do you want any help?" her mom asked.

"No," Moondancer said.

"Okay," her mom replied, realizing she wasn't up for talking at the moment. "Well, dinner is ready. Do you want to come?"

"In a minute," Moondancer said.

Her mom paused. "You should come now, while it's hot," she insisted.

"I'm nearly done," Moondancer replied. "Just a minute."

"Okay," her mom said, leaving the room and closing the door. This wasn't going to work. Moondancer's dad was coming up the stairs, just as her mom turned around. She sighed. "What are we going to do? She's in a depression because of what those girls did to her."

"Well, what makes her really happy?" he asked.

"It was her friends," she said. "But now...I'm not quite sure."

"Well, who does she have posters of all over her room?" her dad asked.

"Adagio Dazzle, her favourite singer," her mom answered. "She listens to her music all the time too, but...it doesn't seem to make a difference."

"What if we took her to a concert?" he suggested, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Right, like Adagio Dazzle would come to our town at such a convenient moment," her mom said sarcastically.

"Not our town, but one pretty close by," he said, holding up his phone. On the screen, there was a post from Adagio Dazzle about a list of concert dates. "Here, she's performing only an hour away from here."

"Really?" her mom's face lit up. "Oh my gosh, this would make her so happy! She's always dreamed of seeing Adagio live. Get the tickets right now! What date is it?"

"Next Sunday," he said. "1 week away."

"Wonderful," she replied, lowering her voice. "Let's not tell her, and make it a surprise. I can't wait to see how happy she is!"


1 week later, Moondancer went to bed thinking of all the studies she had to do for the day. She was going to reorganize her bookshelf, and work on the school project. But when she woke up on Sunday morning, she felt just horrible. Her nose was stuffy and she had a sore throat. She coughed harshly, getting up to go and do her morning routine. Of course, with all the dropping temperatures going into the winter soon, her immunity would be weaker. She had a cold.

After finishing her routine, she made her way downstairs to try and have some breakfast. She just made it to the bottom of the stairs when she coughed again, and it didn't sound very good. Her parents looked from the dining room to see if she was alright.

"Are you okay?" her dad asked worriedly.

"Actually, I'm not feeling very well," she admitted, sniffling.

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that," her mom replied.

"Yeah, I think if I just stay home today I'll be fine," Moondancer said.

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