CSK Round 2.

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"I swear of Lord's life, I'm going to hurt someone."

What made Yellow's words funnier was that the Heavenly host was right there. Lord frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"Not now. I need to threaten someone."

For your information, Mr. S was seen lurking. And since she was sure he was retired, she was on alert.

"Why is he here?" They noticed where she was looking as Mr. S stopped by the front desk of the Ranger Union. Cursing mentally since Red wasn't there to overhear it, Blue glanced at Gold, who had tilted his head.

"Hi. Could you get this note to Seafoam? I'm sure she'll understand."

"Why's he looking for Seafoam?"

Mr. S left after that while the lady at the desk went upstairs. Minutes later, Seafoam came down before her, phone in her ear.

"Yeah. I'm heading down now. I'll meet you there. No, I'm not flying with you. See you there." She hung up just as she left the building. The Seniors glanced at each other.


They learned that Mr. S's note was telling them to meet him in Oblivia. They found the elder, Seafoam and Lapis at the Aqua Resort, where he spoke to them in a soft voice. Gold cursed softly under his breath before Mr. S said something aloud.

"Well. I'm sure you've gotten the messages, right?" The duo nodded as he smiled. "Good. The next message you should get, pay attention. You'll need to pay attention to all the details."

The two Aloje Dexters nodded before the elder left. Yellow frowned.

"I can't tell if he's recruiting or throwing us off." Green hummed.

"Let's ask Scarlet and Admiral to keep an eye on them."


Seafoam was in her room, Lapis in her ear, when the text hit. She paused as Lapis hissed.

"Oh- one sec-"

"I got it too. Deal with Scarlet." He went quiet as she checked.

'Dear all new CSK members.

Welcome to the team. I am the Hackhearse, the lead communications expert and mission giver. It's unlikely that we'll meet eye to eye.

Your Designated Team Leader is Mistdancer, who will be meeting you in an isolated place so you can talk in peace.

Mistdancer will give you more info once you are there.

Mr. S will be around sometime in the next couple of weeks with your gear. Please keep an eye out for a message with the information about that.

Good luck and I am excited to work with all of you."

Seafoam hummed as she looked at the time and location. He really planned that out, huh? Lapis returned with a sigh.

"What's it say?"

"We have a meeting. Remember that week off that everyone has?"


"We're meeting the rest of the new CSK members and our leader on friday. Let's meet up in Pueltown."


Lapis hummed as Seafoam met up with him at the docks, waiting for Admiral to leave so they could take off.

"Admiral, I have places to be." Lapis noticed her laptop, which had tabs working. He gave a weak chuckle as Admiral frowned.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't you have family stuff to do?" Both pairs of blue eyes met as she paused.

"That's not the point! What are you two up to?!" Seafoam looked like she was going to kill the Sea Ranger. So Lapis stepped in.

"Family business. Nothing we can discuss." Admiral had this look like she was looking for an argument. However, realizing she has never met Seafoam's family, she sighed.

"Fine. But you owe me info, Lapis. And Seafee, I want a date." As she started leaving, Seafoam called out.

"8:00 at the Park Stage! You'd better be there!" As she spoke, one tab was reserving a table. Admiral shot a look back before disappearing. "Finally..." Lapis smiled as the Staraptor he caught purred.

"Ready to go?" She nodded as she closed the laptop.

"When I'm done with the date, at midnight, we have the packages to do." He nodded before they took off."


They landed at the location as Seafoam hummed.

"You think we're early?"

"Probably." They went over to a clearing, where some people were talking. They paused as Seafoam chuckled.

"Oh, we're all dead."

In front of her was Moss, Opal, Visv and Pebble. The four paused as Lapis glanced at his teammate.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Lapis, keep your trap shut if you don't want me to bomb the next wave meeting." Lapis went pale before sitting down in his spot. She hummed before answering Opal's question. "As long as no one tells Green? We'll be good."

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