Musical Lullaby.

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Purple was slightly knocked out as the other Wish Realm Remedy spoke. He was a little high from pain meds due to his condition getting worse, so they were letting him rest while planning the next concert. Purple wasn't in the mood, but the crowd loved to see them and a lot of people were asking for the next live concert or tour. Melody eyed the purple haired boy as he softly rested. The team had grown from a small volunteer group, now with a large team of musicians. But Purple felt down and behind, lacking in performances whenever the others practiced. Since he had no talent, he had practically dropped out of the group to let them go on. But she knew he was the reason they were successful.

Later, she sent a post to the Solo Night Special page, letting their fans know the situation and plan. She was going to get him to see his success.


"One thing's for sure... we're doing 'The Village' at the end."


Many fans had responded to her post, saying that a good idea would be to get Purple to sing 'The Village' and instead of the Choirs joining him, they would take over. The others loved the idea when they talked about it without Purple. But now that he was hearing just a part of it, he wasn't sure.

"The fans told me when I asked for one song they would love to hear if we came out again, and they said that song."

"Ok... My real question is who would be singing it? Because you guys would just need me on the piano, or someone else could take that part-" Melody stopped him before he could continue.

"Purple, that's your song. Besides 'Use My Voice', that's your song." He glanced at her, his eyes misty from the pain.

"I'll only be needed for the piano-"

"You're singing it. Unless you want Cyan or Cessil to." Hearing the two boys panic was perfect. Cessil already hated singing for Rhythm of the Heart and Weapons of the World. And Cyan didn't have the vocal cords to sing anything, which is why he stayed in the back conducting. Purple paused.

"But there's also-"

"Don't throw me into the mix. And Cedar doesn't know the lyrics."

"It's not that hard to learn it-"

"Correction, he doesn't know your part." Purple frowned. He really thought he wasn't included, huh? "Purple, we need you for this."

"No you don't."

"Purple, get over here. We'll need you with us." He sighed before putting his head down. The others sighed at that.


They took him with them, despite his complaint. He was quiet as they reached the stage. Melody let him sulk in the van while they set up, but pulled him out to test the sound quality. He froze up when he sat down, his small stage fright kicking in.

"I-" Cedar, who noticed his tension first, draped a blanket over the shaking boy.

"Easy. No one's paying attention." He nodded a little as he gently pressed the keys, readjusting from the sound difference. Eventually, he was able to let his fingers dance across the keys, losing track of the world as he did. Melody smiled before whispering to Cyan.

"Spread the word. During 'The Village', we're all going to disappear to let the crowd shine."


That night was show time. Purple was quiet as Melody went over the order. They were going to lead with 'Soldier', followed by their new song 'On My Own', bringing it around for 'Runaway' before Purple closed it up with 'The Village'.

"This is stupid."

"We're doing it anyway. Here we go." He rolled his eyes as he covered his head with the blanket.

'Soldier' went well, but they didn't need him. 'On My Own' wasn't too bad, but he also wasn't even playing. 'Runaway' sounded ok, but he was in another headspace during it. He zoned back in as Melody mentioned him.

"And now! For our great leader to lead us in 'The Village'!"

Why did the crowd cheer like they heard the best song of the concert? He didn't pay attention as he started.

No, your mom don't get it
And your dad don't get it
Uncle John don't get it

And you can't tell grandma
'Cause her heart can't take it
And she might not make it

They say, "Don't dare, don't you even go there"
"Cutting off your long hair"
"You do as you're told"
Tell you, "Wake up, go put on your makeup"
"This is just a phase you're gonna outgrow"

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
There's something wrong with the village

Feel the rumors follow you
From Monday all the way to Friday dinner
You got one day of shelter
Then it's Sunday hell to pay, you young lost sinner

Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chair
Whispering that same prayer half a million times
It's a lie, though buried in disciples
One page of the Bible isn't worth a life

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village

Something wrong with the village
There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

He suddenly heard the crowd behind him as he tried to stay strong with the song. That's why they wanted him to sing. His voice was lost, so his fingers kept the music going. He barely managed to keep going towards the end.

There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
Something wrong with the village

As the music faded, the crowd broke the silence as he trembled. Melody rejoined them from wherever she disappeared to and smiled.

"Thanks everyone for such a night and we hope to see you guys later!"


A little bit later, he had fallen asleep from the events that had happened. Cessil got the van to Melody's place as they peacefully drove from the stage. Cedar kept the Midori close to him, letting him rest peacefully as he slept through the ride. Even after they got to her place, they silently worked around the sleeping boy to clear out the van. Then all but the leaders left to go home. Melody smiled as Purple softly murmured amidst his rest, something about secret planning behind his back.

"Alright... who's getting him home?" Cessil hummed.

"I have to head that general direction to get home or else I'll get lost trying to go directly to zxItal. So I'll take him." Cedar gently picked him up as he sent out Noivila and Zotz to have a safe trip.

"Be careful." Melody then pressed a soft kiss on Purple's head as he was placed on this lovely flight pokemon. "I hope you had fun. See you later."


Pink smiled as Noivila landed with her twin. He had slept the whole ride and was still asleep when they arrived.

"Oh dear... someone had quite the night." Purple didn't respond as she picked him up. "Thanks, Noivila. I'll be back out to return you after I put this little one to bed." It nodded as she carried her twin up to his room and set him down. After getting him comfy, she went out and returned the delta to put on the nightstand. She then smiled. "Night night, Purple."

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