10-Lesson Learned

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Stepping into the door, I heard a crumple of plastic. Raising my eyebrows I saw my girlfriend sitting at the table, hands under her bottom, obviously sitting on something.

"Hey babe," she said, not opening her mouth that much.

I sighed and crossed the room in a few strides and grabbed her cheeks, prying her mouth open.

Inside were the chewed up remains of my twinkies.

I sighed, stepping back. My slim, blonde girlfriend with perky boobs, a tight slim ass and toothpick limbs always stole my treats that I had in the pantry.

But I knew this would happen.

I smirked as I went down to the basement and grabbed all 20 of the twinkies boxes from the freezer and brought them up the stairs.

My girlfriend, Jasmine, widened her eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" She stammered, fearfully.

In one swift motion, I grabbed both her wrists and tied them behind the chair, causing her to gasp.

"Baby, what is going on?"

I shrugged, opening a box of twinkies, the thick, creamy, vanilla log, filled with a special white cream.

I shoved the thing in her mouth and she choked, but swallowed it.

I steadily started unwrapping them and forcing them down her greedy gullet.

"If you want to eat my snacks, then fine. Have as many as you want."

With widened eyes, she didnt really try and fight. It was only after her belly started expanding, her thighs thickening, and her tits actually developing did she protest as I started on the 12th box.

"Baby, I cant anymore... I'm too full!"

I snickered and left, heading to the store and buying a hundred boxes of twinkies, each one containing 12 rolls.

When I came back, I stuffed that girl fuller than a turkey on thanksgiving.

Her belly was massive and her thighs made me want to eat her out right then.

Her shirt rode up which made my show even better as she kept expanding, growing bigger and bigger, tears streaming down her fat fucking face.

Her shirt rode up which made my show even better as she kept expanding, growing bigger and bigger, tears streaming down her fat fucking face

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