5- Munchies

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I invited my boyfriend, Matt, out to come smoke weed with me and my friends at a getaway weekend like we usually do every 5 months.

For some reason, he accepted, unlike he usually does.

So, here we are, sitting around a campfire, passing the joint and singing songs, slurring every word.

Matt got up and went in the house and as the fire died down 2 hours later, we all started heading in and to bed.

I flicked my light on to see Matt, devouring a small pile of food on the bed.

His usually toned, slim body was occupied by a bump on his stomach that resembled a 5 mont, a pair of tight pants and a ravishing appetitite.

He scarfed down a container of leftovers from the fridge in the air bnb that we were all staying in amd glanced up to see me.

"Oh, h-hey babe *burp*"

I nodded towards him and went over to the closet to find my pyjamas.

Matt yawned and stretched. "I never knew that weed gives you the munchies."

I nodded, rummaging in the closet and finding an oversized t shirt.

Matt continued snacking, even after I climbed into bed and turned off the light. He simply left the room, to the kitchen.

In the morning, I groped the sheets for my boyfriend, only to find them empty.

What the fuck?

Hurridly, I climbed out of bed and ventured through the house, finding him passed out in the kitchen, surrounded by empty food keeps and garbage.

His appearance had changed aswell.

A beer belly was hanging over his swatpants belt that were too tight for him. His thigh gap had dissapeared and his arms were like pillow. A small double chin was starting to appear and he had crumbs all over his face.

I knelt beside him and started cleaning up the garbage, looking at Matt every so often, amazed at how he got big so quickly.

Eventually he snorted and yawned, stretching.

"Oh, hey babe, what are you doin-"

He trailed off as he put a hand on his stomach then pulled it away and looked at himself surprisingly.

A light blush appeared over his cheeks and he seemed embarrassed as he glanced up at me. I didnt wanna make him uncomfortable so I had resumed cleaning.

Matt quickly heaved himself up and dashed to the bedroom, panting as soon as he took the first step.

I finished cleaning a little while later and went back to my room to find a bundle of blankets on the bed.



I sat on the bed, tugging at the covers and one of Matt's eyes appeared to look at me. His skin was still pink.

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly.

"I look like a blimp!" Matt cried quietly as he flung the blankets away to dramatize his point.

I tried not to stare, but he was pretty fat. Maybe 310lbs now from his usual 250.

I sat beside him as he buried his flubby face in his large hands and I rubbed his back.

"Baby, there's nothing wrong with how you look. A few pounds suits you."

He peeked out from his fingers and stared at me.


I nodded, giving a reassuring smile.


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