14- Big Frame

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Laura and Mike had been together for 3 years, recently moving in a year ago and enjoying the luxuries of love.

The luxuries of love also came with food, and before they knew it, each of them had put on a few pounds.

Laura was determined to stay fit and healthy, so she ran on her treadmill everyday for 2 hours, no matter what. To be honest, she enjoyed running, it made her feel free.

Mike, however, had slight more difficulty losing the pounds he gained.

While Laura's midsection got slimmer, his got wider, a small belly sagging over his pants, peeking out from under his shirt.

"Do I look... heavier to you?" Mike asked one evening as they prepared to go to bed.

Laura surveyed him. Sure, he was pudgy around the torso, but he had always been too skinny for her liking. Maybe a few extra pounds would help their relationship.

"Not at all, love," she cooed to him as she embraced him, able to wrap her arms around him.

She wanted that to change.

As the weeks went on, Mike had taken a liking to cooking, finding this new app that gave him cool tips and tricks to try when making pastas, pastries and sweets.

One morning, after an eventful night, Mike cuddled up to Laura, pressing his belly up against her back and wrapping his thickened arms around her, kissing her neck lightly.

"Good morning baby," Mike purred to her.

Laura smiled as Mike sat up and reached for a pair of jeans, slipping a tshirt over his head.

There was a silence as Mike tugged on his Jean's and found they didnt go past his fat ass.

"What the fuck," he mumbled as Laura sat up in curiosity.

"I swear they fit last night," he said to her as he stood up, pulling as hard as he could, grunting.

Laura was slightly amused by this as she slipped out of bed and grabbed a pair of leggings and a t-shirt.

"Baby, maybe we should go shopping," she told him.

Mike held his breath as he buttoned up his jeans, zipping his fly and slowly exhaling, wincing as the pants dug into his new belly.

Laura held her hand out to him. "Let's go make breakfast."

Together, they went into the kitchen and Laura started making pancakes, doubling the recipe and piling them on Mike's plate.

He looked over her shoulder, seeing the plate stacked high and gulped audibly as Laura smiled.

"Babe, if I eat those, wont I get fat? Fatter?"

Laura turned to him, poking his belly which jiggled slightly.

"Darling, you're not fat, your frame just has some bulk to it."

She kissed his cheek as Mike sighed and took the pancakes to the table, slathered them all in butter and syrup and dug in.

Laura started cleaning the kitchen, not having an appetite, and listening to Mike devour all the pancakes.

"Baby, I-"

Mike didnt get to finish his sentence as his button flew off his jeans and hit the window above the sink, leaving a crack.

Laura turned slightly to him, raising an eyebrow and saw Mike blushing, his eyes wide and his belly spilling over his lap.

"Sorry!" He exclaimed, getting up and rushing to the bedroom, coming back in a pair of stretchy sweatpants.

Laura giggled and went over to him, wrapping her arms around his beefy neck.

"No need to apologize darling. I shouldve thrown those pants out weeks ago, you've simply outgrown them."

Mike blushed as he kissed Laura's forehead, thinking.

Over the next few weeks, Mike's weight only grew, putting him in the 400's.

Since he was a tall guy, the weight looked like nothing except a big belly.

Discreetly, Laura kept buying new clothes, but in bigger sizes, getting rid of the old, small clothes as Mike kept growing.

One day, he came out to where Laura was on the couch añd glared down at her.

"Look how big I am!" He sad, gesturing to his belly, which growled in agreement.

Laura looked up at him.

"I see nothing," she said coolly. "In fact, you should gain a few pounds."

Mike was speechless and he stormed into the kitchen, grabbing some pie he had recently made and bringing the whole thing to the couch where he sat, away from Laura, and ate it out of anger.

Finishing the pie, Mike burped loudly and got up, rocking himself and going into the kitchen, making something.

Laura smelt wonderful things as Mike baked and cooked.

Eventually, she turned to see a giant chocolate cake on the table, gathered in icing as Mike made the next one.

And the next.

Laura got up, heading over to where Mike was and pushed his fat ass into the chair.

"You eat, I'll bake." She said.

Mike blushed, but took a fork and started shoveling the first cake into his mouth.

After he finished the first, Laura gave him the second, and the third until he leaned back, groaning, rubbing his swollen belly, which poked out from under his large shirt.

Laura giggled to herself. He looked wonderful.

The next day, Mike went to work and came back to find a feast fit for a king set out on the table for him.

Laura was "passed out" on the couch, so Mike started eating.

He finished the bowl of potatoes, the carrots, the gravy, the chicken, the salad, the macaroni and the pudding, groaning as he struggled to reach for things and shove them in his gullet.

Laura heard him waddle to bed and she started cleaning, happy that her boyfriend was full.

As Mike fell into a food coma, He dreamt that Laura was as big as he was and it aroused him.

Rhe next day, he confronted her.

"Baby, can you please stop running? It worries me." He gave her puppy dog eyes and Laura laughed, agreeing.

But nothing changed with her, so they returned focus on Mike.

His weight went up steadily, reaching 500lbs, making his boss let him stay home to work, since Mike struggled to fit through a doorway.

Laura fed her boyfriend relentlessly, watching his ass ripen and fill the armchair he never left.

His belly swelled up, leaving no room on his lap for his girlfriend- only for his belly, which Laura loved to cuddle with, rubbing it, squeezing it, and watching it wiggle.

"My big boy~" she would purr in his ear, making him blush.

Mike continued to eat, filling out his giant frame, making it hard to move, which was fine by Laura.

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