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A/N- It's been a while hasn't it? 😅 I saw a comment yesterday asking for an update on Chaeyoung's birthday. So consider this a late update in honor of HÉR birthday.

(My writing's a little rusty and there's probably a lot of typos. Pls ignore)

Happy reading!!<3


Something was wrong. Jungkook could feel it. There was this weird energy in the atmosphere like something was about to happen. As he looked out the window of his carriage, a prickling feeling of awareness started at the back of his neck.

He tries to shake off the weird sensation to no avail. His gut told him something was wrong and his gut was never wrong. Jungkook debated it over in his head. It could just be a stupid feeling and he would end up back in the summer palace watching Chaeyoung and Taehyung making googly eyes at each other. But on the other hand, if something was wrong- if something was wrong with Chaeyoung- He didn't want to think about that.

He curses loudly in his seat before knocking the inside of the carriage bringing it to a slowing stop. "Turn around."

They were pretty far away from the palace but it didn't matter he wanted to make sure his mind was at peace before leaving.


"THIS ISN'T RIGHT!", A furious voice shouts.

Chaeyoung hears loud arguments coming from inside the room. She wanted to tell them to stop. It was too loud and her head was hurting. But her mouth couldn't form any words. Her mouth was as dry as a dessert and her eyes seemed to be sealed shut. It was hard lifting her lids.

"THIS is the only way. This is what will break the curse. She will save this kingdom."

"There has to be another way. I'm not standing here watching as you sacrifice our best friend for your kingdom."

"Jimin you don't understand. This will cost so many lives. I have to do this. You think this doesn't hurt me? I love her. She was to be my wife. Do you think I'm happy about this?"

"Yeah well, I'm not gonna stand here while you're going to sacrifice her just because of a stupid hypothesis your parents came up with."

"It's NOT stupid. It will work. It has to work!"

Chaeyoung's vision floods with light and she sees the slightly shorter frame of Jimin angrily exiting the room.

She wants to go to him to ask what's wrong. Why did he look so devastated and angry?

But her limbs wouldn't comply. Chaeyoung turns her head to the side and looks at the chains that were binding her hand and she couldn't understand why they were there. She pulls at her bindings. Apart from making some loud god awful noise, the chains don't budge.

Taehyung turns to her when he hears her chains clinking. He looks at her with wide eyes. She was awake. Fuck. She was supposed to be out for a couple more hours.

"Taehyung, what's going on?",Chaeyoung says, her voice coming out scratchy like she hadn't used it for a while.

"It's nothing sweet heart. Just close your eyes.",he kneels in front of her, his eyes clouding with tears.

"Why am I bound? Help me get these off."

Tae chokes back a sob, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that sweetheart."

"What-what are you talking about?",Chaeyoung couldn't make sense of what was going on. There were too many voices advancing and her head felt all woozy. Nothing was making sense.

HEART OF VENGEANCE - A Rosekook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now