"It's not your family." Remus read her mind.

"Good." Adeline took a sigh of relief, "How have your parents been?"

"Mum's took a turn for the worst."

"I'm sorry Remus."

"She's made peace with it. We all have in a way. She refuses to let us be sad."

"Good for her. She's a strong woman."

"She is. She'd love you, ya know. Well I guess she already does."

"She already does?"

"Oh yeah. She's always going on about how grateful she is for Zipline's. And how smart you are and how I should learn a thing from you and make something of myself."

"Wow, so I have both yours and James' mum wrapped around my finger."

"I guess so. You someone managed to bewitch my mum without even meeting her officially. It's impressive."

"I have no shot with Black's but maybe I can try Peter's mum next."

"I would kill for you to try and make Walburgha like you. I think she'd lose her head if you even tried to shake her hand."

"Omg, speaking of Walburgha I never told you about the weirdest fucking encounter I had the other day."

"What happened? You don't talk to enough people to have encounters"

"Exactly, my 'don't talk to me' energy must've been slipping. Because Evan, Barty, and Regulus tried to harass me."


"Yeah, tried. It was kind of sad actually. Like Evan and Barty first initiated it but then Regulus said he'd handle it and pulled me off to the side. Then just like talked to me. Told me he liked my cat. Called me a mudblood, but even then it didn't feel like he meant it. There was a hesitancy to it, not a viciousness. Then just told me to scram and I was out unscathed but confused."

"Did you tell Padfoot about this?"

"No, should I?"

"I-.... I think so yeah. He already knows about Reg hanging out with those guys, but knowing he wasn't terrible to you might make him feel better."

"Will you just tell him for me? I don't want to be apart of the brothers' drama, I already have to deal with the girls'." Adeline pouted. Remus was no match for Adeline's begging.

"Yeah yeah I'll let him know then. Put your damn lip away."

"Thank youuuuu." Adeline and Remus have been in a good place. After Halloween they were able to go back to being friends. Of course Adeline was still obsessed with him, but he needn't know that.

"You're a bitch you know that right?"

Adeline fake gasped, "That is so rude. I have never heard such words be directed at me."

"Oh really?"

"Yes I am appalled."

"Uhuh, well you're gonna have to get used to it Miss Wilson because I predict quite a few people will call you that in your lifetime."

"Never. Only dicks' like you would."

"I'm a dick?" Remus put his hand to his heart dramatically. "Why I never!"

"Not so fun when the shoes on the other foot is it?"

Remus laughed in return then gave her a nudge, "Shove off."

"You shove off." Adeline nudged him back.

"Quiet down!" Madams Prince yelled at the pair.

"And with that I suppose we should get back to working." Remus said reopening his book.

"I suppose so. You're quiet the distraction Mr. Lupin."

"As are you Miss Wilson."


hey guys, sorry for the shorter chapter but it's time to get serious a second

i go to michigan state university and as many of you probably heard there was a shooting on february 13th. i'm safe but it still shook a lot of us up.

i encourage you all to pray for the victims' families and to urge our legislators to increase gun control. this shit can't keep happening.

how many kids have to die before action to be taken?

i'll probably stay active because this is a good distraction/outlet, but if I do go quiet I hope y'all will understand

love you lots <3 #spartanstrong

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now