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They arrived at the marriage change her look and kept an eye on her as well. If you fail, you will lose your life or job. 'Ok, sir,' he said. He was good, then he left. They took her to the makeup room. She did her makeup. Then she said, 'Change your dress. We don't have enough time, so can you please wear this?' You said, 'Okay, I will.' After you got ready, they took you to the hall where there were lots of guests. Changkyun came there in a black suit, gently grabbed your hand, and took you on stage where your father was standing. He put a ring on your finger, and you did the same. Then the father read some wedding vows and asked Changkyun if he accepted Y/N as his wife. He looked at your face with a little satisfaction, then smirked and said, 'Yes, I will.' Y/N, can you accept him as your husband? 'I will,' you said regally. The father said, 'Kiss her,' and Y/N looked surprised at him. He smirked again, then took a step back and thought about what he had done.

Author POV: Changkyun is cold and rude, mostly towards others. But for Y/N, he has some feelings he never knew he had for her. Come back to the story.

Y/N is thinking about what to do. He holds you by the neck, then his other hand on your waist. You think quickly and try to pretend collapsing. You smirk and say, 'Good acting. I thought you had given up, but you're a tough cookie, I see.' Then he takes you in a bridal style to a room, so you won't get caught. He lays you on the bed and says, 'Wake up. You've done enough acting for today.' At first, you try to avoid him, but he doesn't stop bothering you, so you give up. You sit up, and then he asks you, 'Why did you pretend to collapse? Because you didn't want to kiss me?' You try to avoid him. He says, 'You know how many girls are waiting for me, but I married you because you kissed me in the hotel.' You say it was just a mistake and that you regret marrying him. Then he grabs your hand and puts his hand on your waist. Suddenly, you lose balance and fall on the bed.

You try to get up, but he grabs your hand, pins you into the bed, and looks at your face for a few moments. You tell him, 'Let me go, please.' He comes closer to your lips, just a few inches away, but you look the other way. He feels dissapointed. You never give in, and he lets go of your hand, freeing you.

Next day, you wake up in Changkyun's house. You realize you're ready and try to find him, but he's not there. So, you ask the maid who's cleaning the house. She tells you he already left for the office. You quickly reach the office, but you receive a call from your brother. He asks, 'How are you? Do you know Uncle gave me chocolate and said he'll take me to the amusement park? He's a really nice man, sister. By the way, when are you coming?

Next day you get up at Changkyun's house. You realize you're ready and try to find him, but he's not there. You ask the maid who is cleaning the house where he is, she tells you he already left for the office. You quickly reach the office, but you get a call from your brother. He asks, 'how do you know I'm an uncle? Give me chocolate,' and says he will take me to the amusement park. He is a really nice man, sister. By the way, when are you coming?' You reply, 'Very soon, my little bro.' 'I'm nearly by your side, my little bro,' and you tear up. 'Okay, I'll call you later, but eat properly, okay?' You say. Lastly, he agrees. Then you hear a voice coming from behind you. He says, 'Go get ready today for my dinner invitation. It's our family tradition, so I can't say no to my father; he really insists too much. I can't keep ignoring him.' You reply, 'But you keep ignoring me.

Am I disappearing to you?
He said with his cold gaze, 'Your face reminds me of someone I hated the most. So, it's a foolish reason to force me to marry you.' You said, 'Grab his collar if you hate me the most. So why are you making this relationship? Who wants or needs that?' You started crying and tried to hold yourself, asking him why he did that, why he pulled me into this marriage between us. Not love, it's just another deal to you. Always like you do.' Why are you doing this to me?' Then you start crying louder and collapsed in his arms. Then he took you in his strong arms and carried you to his bedroom. He called his father and said, 'Dad, sorry, I can't have dinner tonight, I guess.' Why he asked dad because y/n's health is not well. After two weeks, he did not force you for anything. You were surprised by his actions. He acted simply and did not bother you. So you lived peacefully in those days. One day, you received a call from your friend. He is your classmate friend, Joohoeny. He is too extroverted and does things without caring for others.

One day you got call from your friend .he is your one of classmate friend it's joohoeny he too extroverted and he do with out care  other what think.
He said hey y/n how are you whats up you do in this day you naahg nothing interesting just then he said let's meet i want to see you my cutie pie you said ohk but when or where he said umm suddenly he said let's meet gold cafe it's your favourite place for coffee hmm what you think. You said ok done .

Then next day you got ready for the meeting him. Then changkyun appear in front of you. He said are you going somewhere you said yes then he i dropped you there you said no i  go by myself he left  you .

It's finished today there
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