sudden marriage -2

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You went into a boutique, then he said to you, 'If you think you are going to be free,' then you arrived at the boutique. He opened the door, you also got into the car and entered the shop. A lady saw you and greeted you, 'Sir, good evening, sir,' and he said, 'Show some wedding dresses for my fiancée.' You looked at him strangely. Then they showed you some beautiful wedding dresses, but you didn't like even a single one. You got frustrated and angry, and said, 'How many dresses should I try on? It never ends.' He stood up and said in a loud voice, 'Everyone here, get out for a few minutes. I want to talk to my fiancée.' All the workers left. Then he said, 'I think you don't know who I am and what capabilities I have, or you don't either. One second, I'll show you something.' He came closer to you, took out his phone from his pocket, and said, 'See, this is your little brother. Think for a moment about what you are doing. Do as I say, okay? Understand?' He said, 'Say something, you little stupid.' You nodded in agreement. He chose one of the expensive dresses.

You go to the changing room and come back (employee) sir. Mam is ready, look at her. He looks at you and just starts admiring how beautiful you look in the dress. But he says in a cold way, 'It's perfect, I chose it for you.' So how can this not be good for you? He then says to pack this, and you both are going home.

After three days pass and you don't have time to get away from his home, you plan on the wedding day to get out of there. He knows what you are thinking or planning because he always sees you.

Changkyun's point of view:

He thought if he likes what he wants to do, so he does not know how it will take too long; he will cross all limits. He wants to protect his company shares, so he does not want anyone to compete with him. That's the reason he has become so rude or immature. End of this. Next day is your wedding day. When you wake up, the lady says, 'Madam, please wake up. Today is your wedding day. If you sleep like this, we will get into trouble.' You nod, and then she says, 'Go take a shower; we are going to the parlour to do your makeup and all.

You think, if she is gluing with me, how can I run away? Then went to the parlour, the lady asked, 'Are you Miss Y/N?' You said yes, then she said, 'Hurry and pull you.' You said, 'Hey, what are you doing?' She said, 'Mam, sorry, but we'll get you ready as fast as we can, but it will take almost four hours.' Then you got tired of how much time was wasted there. You tried to leave, but Changkyun's car arrived, and he stood in black, shot, and saw you in a white gown. He said, 'Sit in the car; we're going to the hotel.' You said, 'I can't marry a man like you,' and started running away at the parlour. Then he realized and ran back to you, saying, 'Where are you going?' You got tired, so you hid in the car. He saw a part of your dress and recognized you hiding there. In just one second, he caught you.

He grabbed you and said, 'I told you, don't make me disappointed,' but you never listened once. He tightly grabbed your hand, and you said, 'Please, I apologize for the mess I created, but I don't want to get married.' He said, 'It's too late. If I decide at once.

I will do this no matter what happens. He grabbed your chin or said to your brother, 'I took him for a time. If you don't marry me, you know what will happen to him.' So decide wisely. You said, 'Why would you take my brother between our mess?

It's your mistake.' If you do as I say, I will free your brother. Understand?' Then you sat in the car, crying, and begged him not to do this to his brother. Your eyes were full of tears. He said, 'So go to the marriage hall. All guests and media are waiting for us.

I apologize if I wrote some lines boring and irritating.

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