Episode 7: Sun's Out, Heartless About

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Two weeks have passed since the Slasher incident. Time really seems to have flown by fast as the last two weeks of school before summer break came to an end.

Yet despite the struggling of balancing school life and fighting off the occasional Heartless or Void monster, Lux and her team still managed to find the time to just enjoy life alongside their spikey haired friend.

Sora, of course, had gotten more and more familiar with Valoran City. On top of that, he was growing closer to the gang. Strengthening his friendship with each member. And most importantly for him, helping them out in any way he could.

But today was a day of kicking back and relaxing, as the group gazed out at the expansive beach before them. And as expected, it was quite crowded.

Pulling out a comically large water gun that had Jinx's aesthetic drawn all over it, said red-haired girl donned her purple and light blue two-piece swim attire and grins devilishly.

Jinx: Alright, girls and boy. Time to secure us a decent spot!

Before either Lux or Poppy could protest, Jinx sprints off into the crowd as her best friend sighs hopelessly.

Lux: Aaand off she goes...

Poppy: I just hope her antics don't get us kicked out.

Being ever the optimist, their deep blue-eyed friend steps out onto the sand and takes in a deep breath of the salty breeze, grinning practically ear to ear as he looks at them.

Sora: Awe, I'm sure we'll be alright! C'mon, let's have some fun!

As he sprints off to catch up with Jinx, Lulu giggles and excitedly follows him while Pix continued resting atop her head. She carried a bucket containing a few tools. A smile forms on Lux's face.

Lux: Sora's right! Let's make this the best summer day ever!


Wriggling his bare feet into the sand, Sora grins as he takes a moment to admire the ocean view. Behind him were the other girls aside from Jinx, with Janna and Poppy laying down on sling chairs while wearing a purple and white two-piece with a sundress and a blue one-piece with star patterns respectively.

Lulu donned a pink one-piece with flower patterns and was busy creating a sandcastle with Pix next to them while humming a tune. Jinx was nowhere to be seen, though Lux had a good idea of where she was at.

Speaking of which, the twin-tailed girl herself wore a pink swimsuit as well, but one with a frilled skirt and a star pattern. After applying some sunscreen, she quickly joins the still awestruck Sora with a soft smile.

Lux: Admiring the view, Sora?

He looks back at her, and a light blush forms on his face. He already found her as extremely pretty, but her swimsuit just amplified it. Catching himself from just staring at her, he quickly nods with a big smile as he turns his gaze back to the beach.

Sora: Ah heh, yeah! It's just so beautiful! Reminds me of home, actually. Well, minus the large amount of people.

The duo has a chuckle over it before Lux takes Sora's hand and gestures out towards the ocean.

Lux: C'mon, let's go explore! If we're lucky, we might also find Jinx.

Sora: Any idea of where she might be?

Lux: Knowing her, I have a pretty good idea of where she might be.

With another laugh, he follows her despite still wearing his usual attire. Something Lux was quick to notice.

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