Episode 4: Much Needed Exposition

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Janna: So those monsters are called Heartless?

Sora nods his head. The group decided to return to the house after ensuring there were no lingering Heartless around the park. Besides, they didn't want to be around still when people returned to the area. All the girls had reverted back to their original casual wear as well.

Sora: They come in all shapes and sizes, and you can tell 'em apart from other creatures due to their yellow eyes. The strongest ones, though, tend to bear the symbol of the Heartless. You all probably saw it when fighting the Soldiers and Fat Bodies.

Janna hums in acknowledgement, while the other girls continue looking at Sora.

Poppy: And what's their purpose? Why are they here?

Sora: My guess? To look for more hearts to consume. It's how they grow stronger.

Lulu gulps a bit in fear while hugging Pix, Poppy furrows her brows even more, and Lux sat in her seat with wide eyes. Although the Heartless didn't seem to be monsters from the Void, their goals of consuming worlds were far too similar.

Lux: From the sounds of it, you're pretty familiar with them.

Sora sighs while glancing down, frowning softly before looking back at Lux with a tired look.

Sora: Far too familiar, honestly.

Jinx: As bad news as these Heartless are, what's the deal with that giant key I saw you whacking those guys around with?

Sora: Oh! That's my weapon. The Keyblade.

Sora holds his palm out and summons his Keyblade out of thin air for them to see up-close. They were all intrigued in their own ways with how it looked.

Sora: It's the main weapon I use for slaying them. It has a couple other uses, too.

Jinx: Like opening giant keyholes?

Jinx snickers, while Sora simply chuckles.

Sora: Sometimes.

Jinx blinks as she raises her brow, not expecting Sora to actually confirm her tease as a fact. Sora looks around at them all before humming.

Sora: So, how about you guys? Those forms you all had on during the fight looked cool!

Lux smiles softly at his compliment.

Janna: We are Star Guardians. Chosen by First Star to protect the light in the universe.

Jinx: And fighting ugly monsters with faces only mothers could love.

Lulu: With the help of our familiars! Like Pix!

Lulu holds up a still sleeping Pix in her hands, while Janna's familiar Zephyr appears on her shoulder. Kuro and Shiro just float around Jinx's head.

Poppy: For me and Lux, our familiars are our weapons.

Lux nods before looking back at Sora, who was amazed.

Sora: Woah...are there more like you around?

Lux: There is Ahri's team. When we get the chance, we can meet up with them again and introduce you!

Sora smiles and nods.

Sora: I'd love to! Nothing wrong with making more friends, am I right?

Both Lux and Lulu smile back Poppy hums in thought. Jinx gives the '50/50' hand gesture.

Jinx: Just hope one of those 'friends' doesn't go around looking like one of those boy bands pop idols.

Lux facepalms slightly while Jinx laughs out loud, before Poppy slightly baps her on the head.

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