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Falling to his knees, Sora pants heavily as he looks up at an unphased Yozora. Despite all his strength, his abilities, and his determination, the weakened Keyblade wielder found himself at the mercy of his adversary. As Yozora approaches him, he speaks in an emotionless tone.

 As Yozora approaches him, he speaks in an emotionless tone

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Yozora: Sorry, but I don't lose.

Sora could say nothing, on the verge of losing conscious when suddenly his hand starts turning into crystal. It expands all the way up his arm and takes over his entire body, and he falls back before being fully encased while in the air.

Yozora comes to a halt and rests his hand on the now crystalized Sora's knee, examining him closely before speaking once more.

Yozora: I will save-huh?

Sora's body begins to glow brightly before he suddenly shoots up into the night sky above, with Yozora watching in surprise as the crystalized boy traveled to parts unknown. With the chilled air blowing against him, Yozora stares at the dark skies before closing his eyes and breathing in softly...before waking up to being inside a limo. When the driver asks him if he is alright, he only looks out the window before answering.

Yozora: I had a very strange dream...


With a loud yawn, a pink haired schoolgirl leans back in her chair as she had just finished some homework. She had spent the past four hours holed up in her room working on it, all for the sake of not having to worry about during upcoming weekend. She twirls around her pigtails while smiling.

???: Alright! Homework's down for the count, so that leaves the entire weekend open!

As she reaches over to her phone to text her best friend, a bright light outside her window catches her attention. Confused at first, she's then struck with awe as what looked like a small comet slowly shot across the night sky.

???: pretty...!

As she stared at it, the comet had started to break apart as it seemingly got closer to the city...then started swerving on its own. Her awe fades to alarm as the comet started to look more and more like a person. A boy who was around her age, in fact! Finally, the boy comet crashed right into Valoran Park, and she immediately got out of her seat and bolted out of her house to investigate.

She ran as fast as her legs could allow and reaches the empty park, casting glances everywhere to figure out where the boy had landed. After a bit more trekking, she finally reaches the center of the park and sees something glowing inside the pond. Although she hesitates for a few seconds, she steels her nerves for a moment and wades through the water before reaching down into the depths below.

She manages to grab ahold of an arm before pulling, grunting all the way to dry land as she hauled the young man out of the water. Once she lays him down on solid ground, she kneels down next to him and plants her ear to his heart. A faint beat. It wasn't much, but at least she knew he was still alive.

???: Hey, wake up!

She gently shakes him while placing a hand on his face, looking at him in worry as he hadn't stirred awake yet. After a moment, his right hand began to twitch, followed by him murmuring softly as he slowly opens his eyes. The girl's purple eyes stare directly into his blue eyes, leaning back a bit to allow for some breathing room.

Sora blinks a couple times before realizing he was awake, widening his eyes a bit as he looks at her. He rubs his head before slowly leaning his upper body up, feeling a bit woozy from his fall. Only now does the girl ask him if he's alright again, still looking worried. Noticing her concern, he manages to give her a smile.

Sora: I think I will be...thanks for helping me back there!

She smiles back at him before nodding.

???: It was no problem! I just didn't expect a shooting comet to be a shooting...well, boy!

Both share a lighthearted chuckle before Sora looks around, seeing that they were both inside a park that was surrounded by towering skyscrapers and buildings. It actually reminded him of where he fought Yozora. He gasps softly, which earned his rescuer's attention as he looked at her.

Sora: Uh, excuse me, but where exactly am I?

???: Oh! You're in Valoran City.

Sora looks surprised, looking around once more before humming in thought.

Sora: Valoran City?

Sora sighs softly before looking back at the girl, looking at her curiously. She looks back at, confused as to why he was just staring at her. She clears her throat, snapping him out of it.

Sora: Ooh! Uh, sorry! Say, what's your name?

She smiles calmly before answering.

Lux: I'm Lux.

Sora smiles back with that trademark cheery grin of his.

Sora smiles back with that trademark cheery grin of his

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Sora: Name's Sora!

Suddenly a gust of wind blows over them, causing them both to shiver. Realizing just how cold it was getting, Lux stands back on her feet before offering a hand to Sora.

Lux: Say, it's getting pretty chilly out here! Let's head back to my place and get dried up before we catch a cold.

Sora nods in agreement before taking her hand, getting back on his feet with her help.

Sora: No argument there! Always was more of a summer person, after all!

The two share another laugh before quickly making their way back to her house. Though he still had a lot of questions about where he was, Sora was relieved that the first person he met on this world wasn't another Yozora or someone else trying to attack him. Lux seemed like a pretty friendly person.

From the shadows, however, as the duo made their way to safety, all too familiar yellow beady eyes stared at them before disappearing back into the ground...

May Your Heart Burn Bright

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