Chapter 12

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Saitama's adventure wasn't the only important event going on while the sky was blue and the birds were soaring up high. Under the decapicated head of a once gargantuan cyclops were many goblins. Dozens of goblins of different tribes, size, color. Goblins that just arrived under the large head had to walk down a tunnel with sigils encompassing the walls. These sigils showed a childlike drawing of a face; no hair or chiseled features just a face that looked like a circle, oval eyes, one dot in the eyes, and a ridiculous nose even for a human.

Once the goblins had followed the path they reached a large four path center with racks holding their weapons, a roaring campfire, and a lavish red pillow stolen from the king himself while he was sleeping. This pillow had one goblin sitting on it with fading skin and gold earrings next to a goblin with a kerchief covering his face. They were the self-appointed judges of the topic at hand:

"You are all here to help come together, evolve into forms more powerful than these tiny body's we have now and put an end to the idiotic looking human who slaughtered most of my tribe!" He bellowed in his most unthreatening guttural sound a goblin could make.

"We have no qualms with a human wiping out one small tribe." A small purple goblin with yellow spots all over his shoulders and back bellowed. "I say good riddance to your tribe; give my tribe more territory to hunt for ourselves."

"Watch your tongue!" The kerchief goblin exclaimed. "We are not just asking for your help..."

The kerchief goblins' comment peaked a few of the leaders curiosities including the purple goblin. Knowing his place, however, he left the explanation of their proposition to his leader.

"Since we first crawled out of the ground to taste the delectable meat of wildlife we have had only one real enemy: humans. They see us, find our hunger to be abhorrible and try to kill us which has lead us to banding together so we can leap at them without fear and plunge our knives through their throats. But now...there is a human who can take out dozens of us in seconds with just his fists! It might not be just him...humans have become strong enough to kill without their tools. I implore all of you, it doesn't have to be forever, all I want is for our tribes to come into unison, get stronger, and finish off our greatest enemy once-and-for-all!"

The leader didn't like the silence he was getting from the other goblins. What he hated more was dirt showering over him and all the other goblins...they looked up...looming over them with four limbs sticking to the wall was a vampire in its feral form.

Goblins do a lot of deplorable things both esurient and licentious but even they would never allow a vampire to nestle in their own home. Right now he was anchoring his spindly legs in the wall while lowering his upper body until his head was inches from the ground, then he did a one hundred and eighty degree spin while spewing pink miasma shrouding every goblin in the room in it.

At first it was hard to breath for any goblin not imbued with the poison element. Then some started to writhe and fidget as if insects were crawling all over them. And then came the final stage of their suffering...their bodies started to mold, contort, enlarge, ablaze, sinewy their muscles, and grew taller.

By the time the smoke had cleared and every goblin could see their kin again...they saw different monstrosities standing before them. The purple goblin now had a hair purple ridgeback with multiple tiny bead yellow eyes and a large mandible with sharp fangs dripping with acid.

The kerchief goblin still had a veil over his mouth but his eyes were completely black void of pupils or even eyelashes just black sclera with a slit of grey on the sides. His head had the visage of a tricorn hat the color green glimmering on him before it materialized into a real had. He carried a grey metallic handle scepter with a black ridge and had new garbs consisting of black robes tied by a red rope.

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