Chapter Fifteen | Hidden Secrets, In A Lie.

Start from the beginning

I just could not do it.

And it pissed me off.

I bang my fist onto the floor and lay down, my eyes locking with the ceiling.

Hushed whimpers escape my mouth, tears sliding to the side of my eyes-I could not scream anymore, nor yell for help or beg from Mila to come.

Should I just accept my fate?

And die a nice death.

"Athena!" A dark voice yells out loud, I use my strength to try and stand but it does not help me. I still end up on the floor.

"Luca!" I yell back, begging that he could hear me. "Luca!"

The door is pushed open when my eyes lock with his perfect green ones.

He does not hesitate to rush to me, he crouches down and pushes his strong hand onto my wounded thigh. Caleb and Darren come in next, making sure that Elias is dead completely.

"Search the fucking area! Now!" I have never heard him this angry before, and if I am correct-Darren and Caleb were just as shocked as me. My eyelid begins to close bit by bit and I am unable to hold my weight up for some odd reason. "Get the doctor."

A hand brushes against my cheek, pushing my curly hair behind my ears

"You're okay, I'm here now Athena." I'm suddenly about to fall back before a strong hand rest against my spine. He pushes me against his chest and raises me from the ground as if I weighed nothing to him.

"Now this-is romantic." I whisper out, unable to continue my words.

My head rests on his shoulder and my hands lay on my bruised leg as he leads us back to our bedroom and places me on the bed as he pulls out a towel and presses it to my thigh to stop the bleeding.

"Athena, as much as you don't want to-keep your eyes open."

"In love with my eyes Luca, you don't need to use my thigh as an excuse." I make a joke, once Darren walks in the door with a woman, Luca rolls his eyes and gets to his feet. Her dark pink hair and brown eyes were the perfect complements to one other, and she was holding a case in her left hand and a stethoscope in the other.

She walks in my direction, setting her case on the side as she flicks it open.

"How long has she been conscious when she got shot?"

"Around twenty-five to thirty minutes." The doctor faces me.

"Mrs Romano, my name is Catherine-can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"

God everything is doubled, I did not even want to embarrass myself.

"Four." I whisper.

"Two, okay look at me." She shines a torch in my eyes, before sighing and turning to Luca. "Help me undress her." She orders.

"Darren, Caleb-get out." Luca seethes as he unzips my boots and chucks it to the side, the door closes indicating that they have left as Luca helps undress me. I glance at Luca's hands and notice my blood all over his suit and skin, Catherine begins to clean the area and my screams fill the room in agony.

"I know it hurts, but I need you to handle it and stay awake." I shake my head-knowing any second, I am going to die.

Luca grabs onto his mouth.

"Fuck this." He whispers.

I watch him remove his blazer and throwing it to the side before getting onto the bed with me, he settles behind me-adjusting my back against his chest. I rest my head onto his chest as he takes my hands into his, suddenly more doctors come inside the room with hospital like items.

I turn my head to the side and look up, "I'm right here Athena."

He whispers into my ears.

I tighten my grasp in his, he pushes my hair back and away from my face before wiping the tears form my eyes.

The pain was too much.

But with his touch, his smell and just him-I suddenly felt numb.

"Where were you?" I whisper out, "you promised to protect me."

Just as I am about to look at the doctor, Luca grabs my jaw and forces me to look at him instead. "Don't look Athena." He orders. "You'll feel more pain."

"Where were you?"

"I was-nowhere." I scoff, closing my eyes.

"You broke your word,"

"I'm sorry Athena." It felt like foreign words to me, hearing him apologise.

A man who portrays himself as a big bad wolf has apologised to me.

He tucks a hand into his pocket and pulls out a necklace, a silver necklace with what looked like a- "Lotus flower, the lotus commonly serves as a sacred for purity, rebirth, and strength. Because lotuses rise from the mud without stains, they are often viewed as a symbol of purity, and it holds itself-a symbol of strength..." He whispers.

It was not a million-dollar gift, it was nothing like that.

It was sentimental.

"This is for you; this now represents you. Because you are pure hearted, you are strong, and you deserve to start over-to be re-born."

Tears fall from my eyes, and not from the pain.

But because I have never received a gift from anyone.

And a gift with such sentimental value meant more to be than anything in this world, my eyes lock with his and my gaze softens.

I graze his face with my hands.

This no longer felt-fake.

This felt real.

I think-I think I am falling for Luca Romano.

I think-I think I am falling for Luca Romano

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