chapter thirty-three

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I wake up because Harry is breathing right into my neck and can’t decide between being annoyed and grumpy or just finding him adorable and wanting to kiss him.

I settle for option two, turning around to kiss him on the cheek, then moving to the dimple, kissing it softly, before kissing the corner of his lips.

Harry sighs in his sleep quietly and this time it’s not a struggle to find him even more adorable. “Boyfriend”, I mumble against his lips, “Wake up.”

He starts smiling broadly under my lips and pulls me in by my neck. “Morning, boyfriend. That sounds quite lovely.”

“It does”, I agree with a smile against his cheek, nuzzling up into it, “Are we gonna tell Elia?”

He nods. “Think she’ll be okay with it, it's not like she'll notice a difference anyways. ‘m gonna talk to her today. With you together, if you don’t mind.”

I shake my head. “I obviously don’t. What will she think of it?”

Harry shrugs, wrapping his arms around me. “To be honest, I have no idea how much she even knows about any of that. She’s very used to being with me alone, so I don’t know. It’s not like she’ll really understand everything.”

Before we can continue to talk, Elia comes running into the bedroom, jumping into the bed and landing  over both of us, grinning broadly. “You saw what happened? It snowed so much snow you won’t even believe me.”

She gets up again, jumping off the bed and hurrying to the window to open the curtains widely, looking outside. “Look! It’s so much!”

She jumps up and down, holding onto the windowsill before she climbs into bed to lay down between both of us. “My suggest is to go into the snow”, she says, grinning. “I change and then we breakfast and then we go. Hurry!”

She’s out of bed again before we can even reply and Harry chuckles lowly. “Well, sounds like a plan. You up for it?”

I nod. “Surely am.” I kiss his cheek before sitting up properly, tilting my neck.

We head outside just about an hour later because Elia wouldn’t stop talking about it and got really impatient when it took Harry and me more than thirty seconds to finish our muesli.

She looks adorable in her thick jacket and snow pants, thick gloves on her hands, scarf wrapped up to her nose and a big beanie covering her head.
We head into the park a bit further, a few other parents out with her children already, playing in the snow.

“Daddy, Louis, do you wanna make snow angels please?” She smiles up at us through dark eyelashes, grinning excitedly so we can’t resist saying yes.

Elia lays down between us two and as I drop into the snow, my pants get wet pretty much immediately, but Elia giggles excitedly so I stay there, making the snow angle anyways.

We get up afterwards, looking at the three angels in the snow, admiring the way they look all together. “They’re so pretty”, Elia squeals, jumping up and down, “A angle family.”

Harry smiles over at me softly, locking out hands over Elia’s head. “Heard that? We’re a pretty family.”

I start smiling broadly, squeezing Harry’s hand twice before Elia tugs on both our hands and pulls us towards the playground.

“Daddy, Louis, guess what?”

“What?”, Harry and me ask at the same time, smiling at each other again.

“I just had the bestest idea ever. We can slide down the big slide with the snow on it!”

“That’s such a good idea, baby”, Harry says and laughs lowly.

Elia giggles in response, jumping while walking, tugging on our hands even harder now. “Yes, I know!”

She runs over to the slide because we’re apparently not being fast enough and already slides down two times before we arrive. I feel warm the whole time despite the cold around me, because Harry’s hand is in mine, our gloves feeling soft against each other and Elia is giggling happily and I feel so at ease.

“Daddy, Loulou, we gotta go all three, climb up there fast!” She waves at us with both her hands, kneeling on the platform.

We slide down at least fifteen times because Elia claims it’s “so much more fun than without snow”.

She starts getting cold after some time though so we head back to their flat, strolling hand in hand, Elia annoying us by repeating “I freeze”, and chattering her teeth on purpose.

When we’re home, we get Elia out of her outside clothes and I carry her to her room while Harry heats up some leftovers in the kitchen.

“Loulou, can you pick me my favourite sweater please?” She points to the top shelf while clinging to my neck with her other hand.

“’Course I can, darling. The one with the colourful dots on it?”

She nods, her curls flying into her face as she does so before she cuddles closer to my and presses a kiss to my cheek. “You’re our bestest friend, Lou ‘cause you can slide and do snow things and it’s very fun.”

I smile broadly and get her changed before we head back to the living room where Harry is waiting in the couch, three bowls of rice on the table in front him.

“Hi, babies”, he says and it makes my heart warm up again.

“Hi, daddy”, Elia mumbles, crawling into his lap, “Louis gived me my favourite sweater.”

“That’s so amazing of him”, Harry says, hugging Elia tightly. “Hey, Lia, can I ask you something?”

She nods, getting comfortable between the two of us. “Alright”, Harry says, “Do you know what a boyfriend is, baby?”

She nods before giggling. “Kayla got a boyfriend.”

“Okay”, Harry says, smiling amusedly, “That’s amazing. So, baby, what would you say if I told you Louis’ my boyfriend? Would you think that’s okay, darling?”

She looks up, then looks at me before looking back at Harry as if she was checking if that’s true. “Do you have a crush?”, she asks, giggling.

“Yes”, Harry says, smiling, “Something like that.”

“But you don’t marry”, Elia then determines, “’Cause I already marry Daddy or Lou.”

“Alright, babe, that’s a deal, then”, Harry says, laughing, “We won’t marry any time soon for sure.”

The way he adds the last part makes my heart beat a little faster because he didn’t say we wouldn’t marry at all what makes this conversation even better.

“Good”, Elia then says, sinking further into the pillows, wrapping one arm around each of ours. “Louis are you my boyfriend too?”

I try not to laugh, looking over at Harry helplessly because Elia doesn’t seem to get the concept completely.

“Um, well, how about that: I can be your best friend?”

She thinks about it for a second before nodding. “Okay, Lou, that’s okay.”

She leans up to press a kiss to my cheek, then pecks Harry’s lips. “I love you Daddy and Louis.”


hope you enjoyed readingggggg <3

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