chapter thirteen

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I get home in time to start cooking with Niall in order for Liam and Zayn not to get mad at us. Niall opens the door with an annoyed look on his face, rolling his eyes.

"What's going on here?", I ask, quickly closing the door behind me, slipping out of my warm jacket.

"Zayn and Liam have decided to cook dinner today but we need to help them nevertheless."

I roll my eyes as I slip out of my shoes before we make our way to the kitchen.

We wait by the door frame because Zayn and Liam are currently splashing water at each other, laughing as we wait for them to notice us.

When they finally do, they both deeply blush and pretend like nothing happened and quickly go back to preparing the pizza.

"Okay guys", Liam says, "We already made the dough because with you, it'd have taken ages but we're gonna do the rest together."

"What rest?", me and Niall ask, simultaneously.

"All we need to do is to just splash some tomato sauce onto it and then sprinkle some cheese over it, that's it, isn't it?", I ask, shrugging.

"No", Liam and Zayn both say, rolling their eyes, smiling at each other.

"Y'know what, lovebirds", I say, scoffing, "You're having way too much fun here anyways, we're just gonna leave you to it. Have fun and remember: more cooking, less flirting."

They both blush again. Rolling my eyes, I head back to the living room because them acting like dedicated lovers makes me want to throw up.

Niall comes walking after me, laughing at my annoyed smile as he drops down onto the couch at the same time as I do.

"I swear, they act like they hate cooking so much just to make us feel bad when in reality, they enjoy doing their thing little together."

Niall nods in agreement. "For real. I'm not gonna cook ever again. They're better at it anyways."

Niall turns to face TV as we watch in silence until Liam calls us from the kitchen a little later, the scent of pizza filling the whole flat.

"Good job", I coo and Liam boxes my upper arm a little too hard.

"No really, good thing me and Niall left, we'd just have messed it all up."

Zayn scoffs and places a slice of pizza on every plate before handing each of us one and sitting down with us.

"How'd it go with texting Amelia?", Liam asks before taking a first bite of his pizza.

"Good", Niall says, smiling broadly. "We're meeting up thing weekend and going to the Christmas market."

They keep interrogating Niall over Amelia for a little while until we all finish our pizza and stay at the table afterwards to talk a little more about how Niall is supposed to behave on his first date.

"But how's it going with Harry?", Zayn asks, leaning forward as if he was really interested in a relationship I have with someone who's basically my work giver.

"Okay", I say, shrugging. "They're both better now, so all good. We went to the Christmas market today to get some hot chocolate and now he isn't going to need me as often any more, I suppose."

"Yes, but how's it going?", Zayn asks again, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Zayn", I say, letting my face fall into my hands, "This is my job, we're not Niall and Amelia."

"But you went on a date today?", Liam asks, confusion spreading over his face.

I laugh at him for some time before shaking my head. "It wasn't a date, Liam. Elia was with him and we just went to get some drinks."

Niall takes a sip of his water. "Okay, but if he didn't have a daughter and had asked you to get hot chocolate with you, it would've been a date."

I roll my eyes, shaking my head again. "Well, it wasn't like that. And besides, I'm pretty sure Harry is straight. I mean, he got a woman pregnant after all. And I don't even like him", I quickly add, shaking my head at the absurdity of this conversation.

"Gay guys can have sex with women. And bisexual people exist, you close minded conservative", Liam says, shooting me a glaring look before smiling at Zayn.

"Ew", I say, "You two are so disgusting, if I ever become anything close to this, please tell me to move out."

"We will", Niall says, "Or at least I will, I wouldn't be able to stand another person that's terribly in love in this flat."

"Wait until you come back from your date with Amelia", I mutter, already expecting the worse, "Then I'll be the poor, only sane person left in here."

Niall laughs but doesn't deny anything so I probably should start planning on moving back in with parents on Saturday evening.

We tidy up the kitchen together afterwards, well, Liam and Zayn do it, while me and Niall stand in a corner, convinced we won't all fit in front of the sink.

"It's way more efficient if you two do it alone", Niall says, "We'd just be in your way."

I confirm that with a very convincing nod and they send us away to the living room because we're apparently annoying, but I'm certain they just want to be alone.

We, once again, as nearly every evening in the winter, sit down on the couch and let the TV play in the background while we talk about the most random things.

In summer we tend to go outside more, clubbing or at least meeting some friends at the park, but since its cold and dark outside, we feel like staying in basically every day.

Liam and Zayn join us after some time, walking into the living room with wet sleeves from washing the dishes, glaring at us a little angrily before they sit down next to us.

"Now we at least watch my series", Zayn says, "As I already had to do everything alone."

"With my help", Liam adds, adding a small kiss to Zayn's cheek before turning to the TV with pink cheeks to switch to Netflix.

I sigh heavily as the into starts playing again, already being able to tell what will happen within the next minutes of the series.


another chapter tomorrow since this one was a little boring?

hope you liked it anyways <3

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