chapter twenty-two

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I get woken up by my phone ringing from my nightstand. I groan quietly and pat the surfaces around me, helplessly trying to find my phone without having to open my eyes.

I fail and accidentally hit and throw my nightstand lamp down, groaning again. "Fuck this", I say, my phone stopping to ring by the second I finally manage to get my eyes open.

I sigh heavily wanting to go back to sleep when I realize that when someone calls me, it's either mum or Harry and mum would be worried if I didn't answer while I really wouldn't want to miss a call from Harry whom I haven't seen in three days.

So, with a subtle eye roll about having to sit up, I lean against the headboard and reach for my phone which was placed nightstand. It was indeed Harry who called and I press the small icon to call him right back.

"Hi", Harry says.

"Hi", I say, voice sleepy, and rub my eyes before blinking a few times, attempting to adjust my eyes to the morning light, which for some odd reason seems brighter than usual.

"Oh", he makes, "did we wake you up, love? I'm sorry."

"You should be", I say, hoping he hears the small smile on my lips that unintentionally appeared when hearing his voice, "I also hit my lamp of the nightstand, thank you very much."

He chuckles. "Sorry, Louis. Elia was just very excited to tell you about the snow."

"Snow?", I exclaim, embarrassed by how childish that sounds, "What?"

I immediately jump out of bed, rushing to the window. It now makes sense why the light, shining through my window, appeared especially bright today as the whole city is covered in white, fluffy snow. I squeal a little excitedly and Harry laughs again.

"That was practically the same as Lia's reaction, yes."

I blush a little and try to contain my excitement. "So, why did you call again?", I say, trying to get my voice back to normal.

Harry laughs. "I'll hand the phone to Elia, yeah? She wants to tell you anyways."

Before I can answer, the phone is being snapped out of Harry's hand and Elia shouts a loud "Good morning" into it, making me jolt the phone away from my ear.

"Good morning, darling", I say, grinning, "What's the reason for your call then?"

"Lou, did you saw the snow?"

I grin. "I did, yes. It's so amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes", she squeals, "Do you like sleighing?"

"I do." I open my curtains completely, enjoying the sight as I wait for an answer of hers.

"Okay good", she says contently, "Because I wanna ask you to sleigh with my daddy and I."

I sit down on the edge of the bed and place the lamp back on the nightstand, checking to make sure it still works. "Oh, I'd love to. Hand the phone back to daddy so we can agree on a time and place, love?"

"Yes", she happily agrees, "I'm so happy, we gonna go down the best hills, Loulou."

I smile widely, talking to Harry for a bit before getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast, then leaving to head to their flat.

We take the underground to drive outside of the city, then having to walk a few minutes before we arrive at a rather big hill we walk up.

"Daddy, it's so high", Elia whines, scrunching up her nose, "I can't anymore."

Harry rolls his eyes shortly followed by a small chuckle before pointing to the sleigh he's dragging along. "Do sit down, miss, your dad would love nothing more than to drag you up all the way."

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