chapter seventeen

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I walk up the stairs to Harry's flat a little too excitedly, the small bag with gifts for Elia in it dangling in my hand.

I ring twice, only noticing when I've already pressed the button but I just really feel like seeing them as soon as possible.

I have to look down because it's Elia opening the door, reaching her arm up so she can reach the doorknob, grinning when she sees me.

"Louis", she shouts, "You visit!" She reaches both her arms up so I pick her up, smiling broadly as she grins at me. "I and Daddy miss you the whole Christmas."

"I missed you and your daddy too", I say, smiling over at Harry waiting in the hallway a bit further. He smiles back before looking back to the ground.

I put Elia down and slip out of my shoes and jacket before walking to the living room with them. "I got you a Christmas present", I tell Elia, "Hope you'll like it."

She jumps onto the couch excitedly, wiggling around and reaching her tiny hands out for me to press the little gift bag into them.

"Thank you, Louis", she says, grinning, "I love gifts so it's great I get one."

"I'm glad", I say, sitting down next to her, a little nervous about whether she'll like it.
She unwraps smallest gift that, if I'm being honest, Liam wrapped for me because I really can't deal with wrapping paper.

She gasps a little before starting to giggle, showing Harry the little kangaroo shape. "Now we can really make kangaroos", she says, smiling, "Thanks Louis kangaroos are my favourite now."

"That's great, you're very welcome, love."

She unwraps the clothing for her dolls and the little milk bottle as well. "I want this forever", she says, waving small shoes though the air, "I getted some sandals but now I have also sneakers."

She crawls towards me on the sofa, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck before leaning up to peck my cheek quickly, scrunching her nose up as she smiles. "Thanks, you the best, Louis."

I don't know how to react because I feel a little like crying of happiness or pressing a kiss to her cheek but I'm not sure if either of it would be appropriate, so I just settle with brushing over her cheek with the back of my hand and welcoming her.

She runs off to her room to get her dolls dressed just a second later and it leaves Harry and me on the couch. "You didn't have to", he says, rolling his eyes with a small smile, "But thank you. Made her really happy."

"Now it's my turn though. I didn't know it was your birthday and I also didn't really know what to get you, but here, I think you can use it."

I unwrap the present he presses into my hand, a cookbook laying on top what makes me laugh quietly. "Arse", I mutter, "I can cook just fine. No, thank you, Harry, my roommates will be happier about this than me."

He laughs, putting the book away so I can see the clothes laying under it, folded neatly. I start grinning, moving closer to quickly hug him. "Thank you", I say, looking at the green apron, Shrek's body printed on it in the front. "It's at least as lovely as yours."

"Thought it'd have to match", Harry says, smiling carefully, "I have a request though."

I nod, waiting for him to continue talking. "Don't take it home with you? Because, if you'd like to repeat this as much as I would, then maybe we can store it here and all wear ours the next time we bake?"

I nod. "Most definitely. I can fulfil that request."

He smiles. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. Now, it's my turn."

He smiles surprised but nods happily, waiting for me to put away my presents onto the living room table.

"I didn't really know what to get you", I say, "I don't know what exactly you enjoy doing or what you'd wish for but I at least got you a card", I say, pulling the envelope out of my back pocket.

Harry starts smiling, but does look a little overwhelmed as I press the card into his hands. "Come on, you didn't have to."

I shrug. "It's okay. I wanted to."

I don't remember exactly what I wrote into the card and maybe it's better that way, but it must've been something like: "Hi Harry, wishing you and Elia a merry Christmas. Hope that you're both well, even though I wouldn't mind coming by and watching some Peppa pig and eating pizza despite you two not being sick anymore. Maybe that's gonna be our tradition from now on? And since I didn't really know what to gift you, use this as a coupon for me babysitting Elia for free for a day or as long as you want me to. You're an amazing dad but you deserve a free day. Hope this is an adequate present. Happy holidays, Louis xx."

Harry reads it even though I kind of hoped he'd wait until I'm gone because maybe it was too cheesy or affectionate or maybe it wasn't affectionate enough and didn't sound like he meant something to me. Which, he does.

When he's done reading after a bit, he looks up, smiling a little and I'm not sure if it's a disappointed one or an awkward smile or if he's just genuinely happy.

He does move a bit closer to hug me though, pressing my chest against his, his breath tingling on my cheek, so I suppose he did like it.

We stay longer then we ever did before, his arms laying on my shoulders heavily, somehow making me feel safe and protected.

"Thank you", he quietly says before moving away a bit, looking me in the eyes with his arms still around me before leaning forwards to quickly peck my cheek once.

I might blush, a lot even and my cheek starts tingling a lot, feeling warm. "You're welcome", I say, smiling back at him and wanting to kiss him, but not just on the cheek this time.

I obviously don't and luckily enough, Elia comes running into the living room, both Timmy and Lilly fully dressed, to save the a little awkward situation.



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