chapter eleven

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I wake up early, despite barely having slept last night due to Harry's couch being extremely fucking uncomfortable. However his flat is closer to uni than mine is so that means I've got a lot of time to get ready.

I could really use the extra time that I have considering that I didn't bring anything with me. I slept in sweatpants and a hoodie meaning I'll have to go to uni dressed like that.

My hair sadly looks like a mess too, so I go to the bathroom and steal some of Harry's hair products although they probably are only suitable for curly hair.

When I'm done, I make myself some toast and suddenly remember why I was there in the first place before throwing another two toasts in the toaster heating up some water.

I finish making the tea and pour it into a vacuum flask so it stays nice and warm until they wake up. I then spread some jam on the toasts, picking out the right pills as well before carrying it all to the living room.

It's already rather late by the time I'm done and since I already look like shit, I should at least arrive punctual. I slip into my shoes and jacket, putting on my beanie before I leave, closing the door behind me quietly.

Half way through I came to realize that I don't even have my laptop with me but at least I'll be attending the lectures. I arrive five minutes early so I suppose that has to be enough.

The professor for the last two lessons I'd have called in sick so luckily I'm able to leave at half past one. I quickly text Harry, asking him whether they need something and we settle for some pizza for lunch today.

I get the pizza from the restaurant we went to last week and then head right back to their flat, hoping they might feel a bit better already.

I ring the bell and Harry let's me in before I walk up the stairs, already starting to sweat again despite only walking a few meters. Harry is already waiting at their, with a smile on his face.

"She's asleep", he says quietly, "Didn't want her to wake up from the ringing."

He steps aside so I can get in and I slip out of my stuff quietly before we walk to the living room, closing the door behind us so we don't wake Elia up.

"Hi", I say, dropping onto the couch, "How are you?"

"Bit better", Harry says, sitting down next to me, "My fever's nearly gone. Thank you for coming by."

"No worries. How's Elia?" I take the pizza from the table, handing him his before opening mine.

"She's still pretty sick", he says, "Gave her some of the medicine so that made her feel a tad better, but she's mostly sleeping. He pulls his knees up to his chest as he starts eating. We eat in silence for some time until we hear Elia crying from the bedroom.

"Should I get her?", I ask, already getting up before he nods.

I walk over to the bedroom, opening the door quietly and smiling, a little sad smile because of how sick and exhausted she looks.

"Hi darling. Daddy's in the living room, don't worry, I'm just here to pick you up, alright?"

She nods, her crying calming down a little when I sit down at the edge of the bed and start brushing over her head with my hand softly.

"How's it going?", I ask, carefully wiping her wet and hot cheeks with my thumb, "are the medicines helping a little?"

She slightly nods before sitting up, reaching her hands out for me. "A little", she mumbles as I pick her up and let her wrap her arms around my neck.

"Are you hungry? Or don't feel like eating?"

She shrugs before hiding her face in my neck. "Maybe."

I nod, properly picking her up so we can get up and carry her to the living room where Harry is waiting, smiling broadly as he spots Elia.

"Lia", he says, dragging out her name and taking her from me, "Hi, my love. Slept well, yeah? Feeling a bit rested now?"

She nods as she gets comfortable in his lap and leans her head against his chest. "Want some pizza too", she says, now smiling a little.

Harry nods and grabs the cartoon again and hands her the left-over pieces. "How was uni?", Harry asks, surprising me because he usually doesn't initiate a conversation.

"Oh, it was okay. Last two lessons were cancelled, was really happy about that."

"What do you study?", he asks, taking the pizza crust Elia left and taking a bite of it.

"Wanna become a teacher."

"Are you gonna go to school?", Elia asks, giggling because that idea apparently sounds funny to her.

"Yes. I'm a little silly, I'll go back to studying at school with the small kids", I say what makes her giggle again, dimples appearing in her pink cheeks.

"I go to school some day", she explains, "Maybe you teach me."

"Oh, I'd love to teach you." She grins at me before stuffing another note of pizza into her mouth.

"You?", I ask Harry who's smiling down at Elia, helping her rip of the crust from another piece.

"Law", he says, "Family law."

"Oh", I make, "Must be a lot to learn."

He nods. "Yeah, it really is. But I feel like it's a thing that fits me, maybe." He smiles a little, leaning back in the couch.

"Daddy gotta study lots", Elia says and I can see the way Harry's face saddens and drops little, "But is okay cause I'm at Kindergarten or with you."

She smiles at me and it makes me smile back, seeing that small happy human. "You're getting alot better, huh?", Harry says, smiling as he presses a kiss to the top of her head. "Would make me so happy."

She nods a little, pushing the carton with pizza away. "Yes. Cause Louis' medicine juice help me."

"Well, thanks to Louis then", Harry says, smiling up at me.

"You're both very welcome. I'll go back home, if you two are gonna be alright."

"And we watch Peppa Pig", Elia determines, starting to look for the remote with a big smile. "Bye Louis and thanks for the juice."


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