chapter twenty-one

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I wake up alone in Niall’s room, his bed still the same as it was yesterday so he probably didn’t even come home last night. I’m hoping he didn’t get killed by a firework but rather went home with Amelia.

I get up, rubbing my eyes as I walk into the kitchen with my sweater and joggers on. Harry and Elia are probably still asleep or went home earlier this morning.

I make myself some coffee and sit down, checking my phone. I got some drunken selfies from the boys last night, as well as a video of Amelia and Niall kissing with Liam cheering them on while Lizzo and Taylor dance around them excitedly. I roll my eyes, happy about how calm my evening went.

When I’m done with my coffee, I decide to see if Harry and Elia are still here because it’s super quite. I open the door just slightly and they’re both laying in bed, pouting slightly, their curls falling into their faces messily and I start smiling a little fondly.

I head back to the kitchen and start cleaning up a bit. It’s about half an hour later when Harry comes walking into the living room, Elia on his arm, grinning a little.

“Hi”, I say, “Slept well?”

“Good morning”, Harry says, his voice deep and a little hoarse, “I did, thank you. Was like the best sleep I’ve gotten in months. Could’ve used a little more but this little thing right here”, he points to Elia, “Decided to get up.”

I smile softly. “How about we let daddy go back to sleep for a bit?”, I ask, brushing over Elia’s head, “And we can make some breakfast. I heard you’re the best cook ever.”

She nods excitedly. “I cook so good. I can cook all the foods. It’s so yummy when I make it. I can even cut things with sharp knives.”

I chuckle, offering to take her from Harry’s arms. “Thank you”, he says, leaning forwards to press a quick kiss to my temple that makes me blush slightly.

“Sleep my daddy”, Elia says, patting his cheek and smiling so her dimples appear, “We make you some breakfast.”

“Thanks, Li”, Harry says, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now goodnight.”

Harry waves before disappearing out of the door, walking back into my room. “I’m hungry”, Elia says, “Have you muesli?”

“Oh”, I make, sitting her down on the counter, “Let me have a look, darling.”

I search through the different drawers and do find some coco pops that Niall must’ve bought a while ago. They still look just fine though so I make Elia a bowl with them and some milk before handing it to her.

I sit her down at the table and she starts eating happily, a little milk moustache appearing over her bottom lip as she finishes the bowl contently a few minutes later.

“Was good?”, I ask, smiling and handing her a paper towel.

“Super”, she says, “We make daddy and you some pancakes?”

“Oh”, I say for the second time, “I don’t know how to make those, love.”

She slaps her little hand to her forehead and starts giggling. “You’re the baddest cook, Loulou.”

I laugh, tickling her as revenge what makes her squeal loudly and I’m hoping we don’t wake up Harry again.

“I suppose I could search for a recipe on the internet and if you help me a lot, I’m sure they’ll turn out great, how’s that sound?”

“Sure”, she says, “You don’t need to worry, I help you.”

“Thank you, that’s so amazing.”

She shrugs as if it wasn’t a big deal and when I lift her up to sit her back down on the counter, she presses a small kiss to my cheek,  smiling brightly. “You’re my best, Louis.”

I smile way too much, blinking a few times to not start crying a little because how is she able to make me feel so loved at only three years old?
“You’re my best too, Elia. My very best.”

She smiles happily as I sit her down on the counter, dangling her legs in the air and waiting for me to get all the ingredients we need.
“You forgetted the eggs, Louis.”

“I love eggs”, she starts explaining, “So I’d never forgetted them. I always eat eggs and they’re so yummy.”

She giggles, throwing her head back a little, her curls falling into her brown eyes.
“Are you being silly?”, I ask, poking her tummy to which she giggles again.

“No I’m so serious, I love eggs. Not even joking you.”

I chuckle before kissing the top of her head softly, smiling at her. “Well then, we’ll make daddy some pancakes with eggs, won’t we?”

We finish making the breakfast and she wakes Harry up a little later. We all eat together, Elia already a little hungry again and Harry doesn’t stop thanking me until I kick him into his shin under the table.

“I’d say something now if my daughter wasn’t sitting right next to me”, he says, trying to glare at me angrily.

Elia gasps a little next to Harry, chocolate cream in the corners of her mouth. “Daddy, you can not say bad things. Also not without me, never. It’s bad.”

Harry smiles a little before looking at her seriously, nodding. “I know, baby, you’ve got such good manners, I wouldn’t ever say something bad, don’t worry.”

She smiles contently, licking the chocolate cream off her fingers before reaching to take another pancake.

“I like your home, Louis”, she says, grinning, showing of the small gap between her teeth, “Maybe we can always visit now and daddy can sleep lots and I can teach you make meals and we eat together.”

“Maybe”, I confirm with a nod, “If you both want that, you’re always invited.”

I smile at Harry and he smiles back, wrapping his feet around my ankle under the table before nodding. “I think we’d love that, wouldn’t we?”

Elia nods excitedly, throwing her arms in the air. “We love it!”


hope you enjoyed it <3

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