Chapter 69: All Of You

Start from the beginning


My skin crawled.

"I haven't heard anything about him."

"The mother of his child stabbed him."

"Stabbed him?"


"For what reason, not that I care but why would Coral do that when all she wanted was him?"

"Well, apparently, he had some doubts about the baby and he went behind her back and had a DNA test done. That caused a quarrel and it escalated into a fight. Her lawyer is claiming self-defense."

"My gosh. Is he dead?"

"Unfortunately not, she had a bad aim. Had she stabbed just a bit higher, it would have been his jugular and not the shoulder."

"Mom," I scolded but started laughing. My mom had zero pity when it came to Wayan.

"That's his karma. That man hurt you so bad, Adani. I dare not feel a bit of sympathy towards him."

"Same here."

"In other news, your wedding pictures got the front cover of a magazine and they're calling you 'The Gem'. Your dress turned every head and your groom was the most handsome. Congratulations again baby. You deserve your happiness," mom informed.

"Thanks, mommy," I replied.

"I'll let you go now. Enjoy, and I'll see you when you get back. I love you."

"I love you too."

We hung up and I found myself smiling as I reflected.

I was a battered and beaten woman. Isolated from friends and my own mother. Ashamed of leaving the house because bruises plastered everywhere but.. Here I was, In Hawaii. Smiling, happy and relaxing with someone who was madly in love with me and wouldn't dare think about laying a finger on me.

He kissed my pain away, kissed away the bruises and the cuts and the shame and the insecurities. I could have been myself around him and he never forced me to change a bit.

He loved me. This man really loved me! From my Afro to the toenails, he admired every inch and I was going to let him love me more and more everyday for the rest of our lives.

Our honeymoon was devine. After getting ourselves out the bedroom, we went boating, diving and hiking. Ricardo and I even took part in a Hula couple competition and won the grand prize of dinner and desserts.

Before we knew it, it was almost the second week in January and it is time to kiss Hawaii goodbye and return back to our lives.


Upon reaching home, Ricardo received a phone call from Penelope informing him that little Ricci had been ill and was admitted to the hospital.

We got back into the car and raced to the hospital.

"Where is he, where's my son?" Ricardo asked with worry as we entered the receptionist area.

"Sir, he's on the second floor, room ten," she answered as she recognized him.

We got to room ten and spotted him laying in bed, motionless, with a noticeable red swelling on his face. Penelope was sitting in a chair across from his bed.

"What the hell happened?" Ricardo asked her.

"We attended a New Year party and had some goodies left back from the Swag bag. Mostly snacks. He ate one this morning and had an allergic reaction to one the ingredients. Peanut butter."

"You weren't supervising what he was eating from the stupid swag bag?!" Ricardo erupted.

"No. I didn't. It slipped my mind to check the damn snacks. You think I don't know this is my fault already?!" Penelope shouted back.

"You're damn right it's your fault."

"At least I was there and I'm here. Where were you, I've been calling you!"

"I was on my honeymoon with my wife and you couldn't have reached me because we were returning back home by then."

"Congratulations by the way. I hope you two had endless fun together while your son was struggling to breathe!"

"HE WAS IN YOUR CARE, Penelope! Instead of being bitter about my marriage, you should focus on your responsibilities as a mom."

"I've been doing my responsibilities!"

"Guys, let's remember where we are," I spoke up.

"Stay out of this 'Gandhi'," Penelope snapped at me next.

"That's it. I'm going to take my son away from you and if you want to fight me on this, you better be a damn good boxer. You wouldn't dare disrespect my wife anymore and you wouldn't put my son's life at risk for a second time," Ricardo said.

He took my hand and we went to find the doctor. Ricardo spoke with him privately and demanded his son been given the best care possibly until his recovery.

When little Ricci did make his full recovery and he was feeling and looking much better, he came home with us.

I was learning how to be a step-mom and it was beginning to become a great challenge. Little Ricci wasn't the same kid I met at Christmas.

"How was school today?" I asked as the driver dropped him off.


"How so, did something happen?"

"I don't want to talk about it with you. I want my dad."

"Your dad is at work right now, sweetie, but I'm your step-mom so you can talk to me about it."

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. MIND YOUR BUSINESS, YOU BLACK BITCH!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.


How y'all would handle this situation? 🥴

I'm thinking of making a sequel to Adani and Ricardo. How they balance life, marriage and parenthood could be
worth the write.

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