Chapter 22: Dress Up

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Adani's POV

One couldn't imagine how embarrassed I was feeling right now. My employer had just seen me in all my naked glory and I couldn't stop thinking about the look on his face.

Utter surprise or was it disgust?

I hope he didn't think I did this on purpose. It was a complete accident.

I eyed the door.

"You did this! You perverted piece of wood!" I said to the door. Mr. Parriston's mom already hated me and thought I was about to sink my claws into her son.

An image flashed in my mind. Mr. Parriston is hovering over me in his grand bed and my fingernails are making their way up and down his devine back.

Shaking the imagination away, I made sure the adjoined door was locked before I got into the shower this time.

After my shower, I sat down on a chair and occupied my time with a book.

*Knock knock

"What does Mrs. Parriston wants now?" I asked myself. I got up and went to the door.

"Hi. Adai?"

"Close. It's Adani."

"Sorry about that. I'm Rockett, I'm Ricardo's sister which you probably already knows."

"Hi, Miss. Parris..."

"Please call me Rockett."

"Rockett, what do you need me to assist with?"

"I need you to come to the party. You do know you're the only one inside right now, right, come out there with us."

"No. I don't think so. I wasn't invited. I don't want to overstep."

"My brother sent me here and I'm not going back out there without you."

"Oh. Well I wasn't planning on attending. I don't even have an outfit although it's right outside but I..."

"I understand."

Rockett looked at me with concentrating eyes. "We're about the same size and I have a bunch of stuff I haven't worn. Stay right here, I'll be right back."

"No.. Rockett.. Wait a minute.."

But she had already vanished to the elevator and making her way up to her bedroom.

"Damn it," I told myself and closed in my bedroom door but then I started flushing like a high school girl. Mr. Parriston wanted me at his party to the point where he sent his sister to get me.

After a few more minutes, a knock came again and Rockett was allowed in. She was holding an all black outfit in her hand.

"You can have this," she said, smiling at me. This was the very first encounter we had while she was here. Usually, she was always quiet and by herself in a corner minding her own business. Sometimes she would busy on her computer or her cellphone. She was never bossy and always said 'please and thank you' when we served her anything. She even assisted Beth a few times in the kitchen and she always prepared her own breakfast because she was extremely specific about the first meal of her day.

"Excuse me while I change," I said kindly.

"Of course. If you need help, I'll be right here."


I got into the outfit and it was a perfect fit. The mini black skirt had a gold zip down the middle and the top had gold chains as straps. It was very cute to look at and I felt beautiful.

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