Chapter 68: The Day Cometh

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Adani's POV

Butterflies were forming in the pit of my stomach as it sink in.

I was going to be a mom and my mom was the first I called to tell her the wonderful news. She became more ecstatic than I was and insisted I get enough rest and vitamins.

Returning back home, Ricardo led me upstairs with the utmost care.

"Sweetie, I'm not dying. I'm only having a baby," I protested when he arranged the pillows on the bed and put my feet on top of one for elevation.

"I know that you're not dying but Dr. Patel said you should get some rest today and you have a new diet to follow. Is there anything you need from the kitchen?"

"A glass of water and an apple will do for now," I answered.

"Coming right up. I'll inform Beth on the changes," he responded. He kissed me before leaving for the kitchen.

I smiled to myself as I reached for my handbag and pulled out my cellphone.

"Hi Rockett," I greeted when she answered.

"Darling, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm calling about the dress. Can I still have it?" I asked. Rockett gasped.

"Is the wedding going to happen this time?" she asked.

"Yes," I confidently answered.

"I have it delivered immediately."

"Thank you."

I hung up just as Ricardo came back into the room.

"Have you told anyone about the baby?" I asked him.

"No. Not yet. Should I start making some calls?"

"No no. Let's make the announcement at the wedding. Our wedding. As we planned. I told mom to keep the news to herself."

"Baby, you do realize that that would be three days away, right?"

"Can you make it happen?" I asked.

"For you, I'll move the world."

He made several phone calls to the wedding planner who immediately accepted the task and her generous payment.


An hour later, the dress arrived in a neatly packaged box. Ricardo bought it up to the bedroom.

"Adani, you should be in bed," he alarmed when he noticed me up and combing my hair.

"An I also have to be active or else the baby would be lazy," I said back.

"Haha. This package came for you," he said and handed me the luxurious looking box tied in a bow. I glanced inside and my eyes already fell in love with what I saw.

"Please leave the room," I said to Ricardo with a smile.

"Can I see what's in it?" he asked.

"No. You cannot. Not yet," I said.

"Okay, mama," he said and we laughed at the teasing, "I'll be in my office." He kissed me before leaving the room and I forgot about braiding my hair and giving the package my full attention.

I striped and stood in front of the long body mirror with the dress against me.

"Lord, I'm praying, don't let me already be gaining weight." I stepped into the dress and did the zipper as best I could have making certain it could have gone all the way up.

"Perfect fit," I squealed with excitement. I took in the details. Every gem and pearl were secured. The sowing was neatly done and the dress complimented my body. I peered into the box again when I noticed there was a smaller package with a card attached to it

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