Chapter 29: The Drama Is Never Ending

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Ricardo's POV

"I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!" I yelled as I rampaged through my office cabinets and the drawers in my desk.

I was livid. I knew I had my reports on the desk earlier. I've completed it at my home office, placed it in my Tom Ford briefcase.

"RACHEL!" I called to my personal assistant. I heard the clicking of her running heels towards my direction. She knocked and entered.

"Sir, you yelled?" she asked.

I eyed her.

"Have you seen a black folder on my desk earlier, I can't find my documents and I have a meeting with the CFO in a few minutes! I went to get a cup of coffee, came back and now it's missing!"

"No. Sorry, I haven't. But earlier, after you stepped out, Miss Vant came along and said she was going to reorganize your office."

"Re... What!" I snapped, "Where is she?"

"In her office."

I sped-passed Rachel and went to find Penelope. I found her in her office talking on the phone. She ended the call when I walked up to her desk.

"Sweetie, how are you, and what's wrong, you're frowning and it looks like stream is blowing from your ears."

"You reorganized my office?" I questioned.

"Oh. Yes. I did."


"Because I wanted to surprise you. Your office is a mess. You have paper everywhere."

"I'm the CEO. Not a kindergartner. Each paper contains something important and the those ON MY DESK, are extremely important."

"All I did was reorganize to make your life easier."

"Nah, you made it more difficult. I can't find my financial..." before I could even get the full sentence out, Penelope reached into her drawer and slapped the folder on her desk before pushing it towards me.

"Why do you have them, Penelope?"

"I know how important these are. And I think information like these should be in my possession. Run them by me. We're partners here, Ricardo."

I chuckled as I looked at the woman. She must be out of her chicken brain mind. I've been running my company without her input or presence for years. What made her think I needed to run important and sensitive information through her?

I snatched the folder and went to my meeting.

Little did I know, this was only the tip of the iceberg.

A few days later, I walked into my office once again and almost had a stroke. My office had been REDECORATED. The walls were covered in a wallpaper that looked like my great great grandparents' kitchen. The best office chair I've ever gotten was gone, along with my desk which was as precious to me as the Resolute Desk was to the president.

It was replaced with a white chair and white desk. Curtains were hung in the windows and a rug was placed over my Lux Touch tile that was encrusted with diamonds.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said as I looked around in horror. Shortly after, my PA arrived.


"Rachel, what happened to my office?" I asked trying my best to contain my anger.

"Sir, Miss. Vant redecorated. I tried to tell her that that wasn't a good idea, that you like things how they are."


"She shoved her finger in my face, showing off her ring and threatened to fire me if I ever talk to her again."

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