Chapter 36: Step Up

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Penelope's POV

I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! There was something going on between Ricardo and his maid, and if something hasn't escalated already, it was about to.

Earlier that morning, I couldn't stand by and let him continue to ignore me. After moving out his bedroom, I assumed he would have come after me, ask me to move back in and make it up to me.

BUT NO! His attention and his time were shifted elsewhere. After approaching him about the way I felt, he ignored me and that just made me mad at him. He was treating me like I was an outcast or a nobody. I refuse to be silent about what was troubling me.

Did he care? Maybe. Maybe not. If he did, he had a terrible way of showing it because before the morning could have even ended, he was with his maid in his private breakfast room.

As I entered, guilt formed on their faces. A look I was too familiar with. I launched at woman. How dare she?

"Let me go!" I yelled to Ricardo who had sprung up and caught me before I could have reached her.

"Penelope! You need to stop and calm the hell down!" he insisted.

"I wouldn't. You think I don't see what is going on here, Ricardo!" I yelled and turned my wrath on him where it should be in the first place. I pulled and twisted out of his hold and slapped him across the face.

The maid gasped.

"Miss. Prime, please excuse us," Ricardo said to her while getting a hold of my hands. She nodded and exited the room leaving us alone together.

He let go of my hands and rubbed his cheek where I've slapped.

"Pene, this shit is becoming very annoying!" he voiced with a shout. He moved back to his desk and retrieved his cellphone and stormed out of the room while making a phone call.

Feeling defeated, I sat in one of the chairs with a sigh. I had to gather myself by myself.

After several minutes, my phone rang. My father's name popped up on the screen.

"Hi, dad," I answered.

"Penelope, I want to see you at my penthouse. IMMEDIATELY!" he finished with a yell and hung up without waiting for a response from me.

I picked myself up quickly and went to refresh myself, took a shower, got dress and drove out of the mansion to my father's.


I knocked and waited. One of the housekeepers came to the door and let me in.

"Where's my father?" I asked her.

"The study," she answered.

I headed there. He was sitting behind his desk, having a cigar.

"Sit," he commanded as I walked in. I sat down.

"Ricardo called. Said you put your hands on him and he's reconsidering. Why would you do something so stupid, are you crazy?"


"Do you want to ruin this for us, Penelope, huh, because you know this is bigger than your feelings for that man!"

"In my defense..."

"And if you do manage to screw it up like you've done previously, I will cut you off financially, I'll take you out of my will and I'll disown you as my daughter. Do you hear me!"

"You're not letting me speak. I can't even finish my sentences."

"You don't need to finish your sentences. You need to fix this mess you're constantly creating!" he bellowed. He put out his cigar and his expression grew even more serious.

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