Ep8: Kouh B.C (Final)

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As Stinkfly dodges the light spears being thrown at them by Dohnaseek and Millet.

"Uh, Kendra," Gwen says. "The giant parrot is back!"

"I can't shake cracker-breath. You're going to have to trust me."

"Trust you? Have you met yourself—" Gwen screams as Stinkfly drops her off their back and grabs her with their hands. "Special delivery!"

"Come to Grandpa...!" Max held his arms up ready to catch Gwen. "Now!" Stinkfly drops Gwen into Max's arms.

As Max is dragging Gwen back into the building, the mutated parrot dives towards them, only getting knocked from its course by a red blast shoulder barging it down.

"Huh? Who-"

Stinkfly sees a girl with long crimson red hair with bat wings flying up in the sky.

"Kendra Tennyson correct?" She asked. "I am Rias Gremory."


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"Wait... Aren't you-"

"Go ahead and stop the man who created this mess. Me and my peerage can handle the fallen angels and the giant parrot."

Stinkfly nods and flies away.

Dohnaseek throws a light spear at Stinkfly but gets intercepted by a yellow lightning bolt.

"Ara~ ara~ Don't you know how rude it is to ignore your guests?" Akeno flew up next to Rias. "Please provide us with at least a little bit of entertainment~" Lightning struck the two fallen angels.

Meanwhile, at Kelly Industries, Dr. Kelly shows his reward to the tour group of VIPs.

"And here is my Verities Award. Of course, it was an honor just to be nominated with a distinguished group of scientists" He and his colleagues chuckled.

Dr. Animo and T. Rex smashed through a glass wall to invade Dr. Kelly's company.

"Kelly! I believe you have something of mine." Animo jumps down and grabs the Verities Award. "I'd like to thank the committee for this honor!"

The T. Rex roars, swiping its mouth towards Kelly, before Stinkfly rushes and swoops him before damage can be done. But quickly gets swiped by its tail, getting up to see a gold Sumo Slammer card in a pile of rubble.

"Whoa, I struck Sumo Slammer gold!"

"Somebody help me!" Dr. Kelly screams as the T. Rex tries to eat him.

Stinkfly looks at the gold Sumo Slammer card and then back at the man. "Man... This hero stuff ain't easy."

Dr. Kelly screams while falling towards T. Rex's mouth but saved by Stinkfly, Dr. Animo glared at Stinkfly.

"What are you!?" Dr. Animo shoots the beam at Stinkfly, who dodges and knocks him, making him drop the award.

"No!" Stinkfly taps his shoulder before stealing Transmodulator. "My Transmodulator!"

"Quit your whining already!"

Stinkfly breaks Transmodulator, and the T. Rex de-animates back into bones, crumbling underneath him and plummeting him to the ground. "No...! No...! No!"

"Now that was... Anticlimactic..."

Meanwhile with Akeno and Rias, Dohnaseek notices the mutant parrot turns back to normal.

"Shut, looks like he failed." Said Millet. "Let's get out of here."

Dohnaseek nods and turns away. "We'll meet again Gremory. But next time, that girl with the watch will be ours." With that he flies away.

The police arrest Dr. Animo at Dr. Kelly's workplace. Kendra, Gwen and Max stand off to the side watching him get dragged away in handcuffs.

Rias and Akeno watch from afar. "So Koneko was right about her findings. Who knew Kendra would have a sacred heart like that." Said Akeno.

"Hm, I'm still not sure if it's truly a sacred gear or not. I've never heard of one that can change its hosts into different... Monsters?" Rias tilts her head to the side.

"Let me go! I deserve that award! I've got it coming to me! I want it!" Dr. Animo is then dragged into the back of a police car. Before the car drives away he glares at Kendra one last time before the police car leaves.

"For some reason, that sounds kinda familiar." Kendra says.

Dr. Kelly goes over to them. "You're the one who saved me right?" He asked Kendra.

"Uh well..."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything about you to the police. I just wanted to thank you." The man says and hands over something to Kendra. "Here, this is the best I can do for now as thanks. It's one of the new Sumo slammer games I originally bought for my nephew but, seeing that you've saved my life and all."

Kendra opens the packaging, her eyes widened. "No way.... It even comes with the gold card!"

"If there's anything else you want I can-"

Kendra waves him off. "Nah, this is enough."

Gwen rolls her eyes. "So simple..."

Max heads into the rust bucket, Rias and Akeno appear next to Kendra and Gwen.

"So..." Gwen started. "What was with the bat wings?"

"I could ask you and Kendra the same." Said Rias. "My peerage and I have practically been chasing you all night long. Let's have a talk in the old school building tomorrow."

"I'm not in trouble am I?" Kendra asked, Akeno chuckled.

"Of course you're not, we'd just like to have a friendly conversation with you. You can even bring your cousin." Akeno explained. "I did say that I wanted to get to know you more Ken~" Akeno kissed Kendra's cheek. The green eyed girls face burned bright red.

Gwen stared at Rias and Akeno, skeptical but nonetheless agrees. "Alright, but you better give us some answers. My cousin almost died the previous night due to that pedo looking man in the trench coat."

Rias nods. "All will be explained tomorrow as promised. You have my word." She holds her hand out to Gwen who hesitantly shook it.

(A/n: after almost a full ass year I finally have this chapter done...)

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