Ep5: Kouh B.C. (Part two)

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Gwen, Max, and Kendra are now at the Megamall, walking down aisles. Kendra strays from them and finds Akeno in the next aisle.

"Hey Akeno," She say's walking over to the taller girl. "Hello Ken, it's nice to see you again." Akeno says and smiles which causes Kendra to blush. "I didn't expect to see you here, you need help carrying anything?" Kendra says. "Really? I wouldn't want to be a bother. Especially to a someone as cute as you~" Akeno says.

"I-it's no problem really! My grandpa is just getting a few things with my cousin Gwen, I'm sure they won't mind if I just... slip away for awhile." Kendra says. "Hmm, well if you insist. You can hold these." Akeno hands Kendra a few things.

"So, how have you been liking it here in Kouh so far?"

Max picks up a canned octopus. "Only canned octopus? Huh. I thought this store prided itself on wide selection." Max says, Gwen looks at him and gags. "Uh, Grandpa? No offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once?" Gwen says before looking back at the can in her grandfathers hand. "You know, one that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?"

"Heh! Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?" Max says.

Gwen turns around and sees that Kendra is nowhere in sight. "Ken?" She looks around and sees Kendra walking with a girl wearing their school uniform. "Wait isn't she from our school?" Gwen says to herself. "Well I'm glad your enjoying it here Ken." The black haired girl says. "You know, the two of us should hang out sometime~" She says getting close to Kendra's face.

"Uh, really?" Kendra says. "Of course, I'd really like to get to know you better." Akeno says and pays for her things. "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow." She says and kissed Kendra on the cheek before leaving.

"So, who was she?" Kendra jumps as Gwen appears next to her. "What the hell!?"

"Calm down doofus, and who was she anyway?" Gwen says. "She's just a new friend of mine I met yesterday." Kendra quickly says and Gwen gives her a skeptical look. "Fine, I'll let it go for now. But I have a weird feeling about her." She then looks back at Kendra who once again disappeared from her sight. "Really?"

She walks back into the store and as she walks down the aisle corner, Gwen gasps as she sees the entire cereal aisle I  tatters. She walks to a shaking box and picks it up. She pulls out a little grey alien from the box. "Gotcha! What do you think your doing?" Gwen asks.

"Uh... looking for the gold Sumo Slammer Card? Duh." Kendra says as Grey Matter deadpanned. Gwen pulls out Kendra from the box. "You're supposed to use your powers to help people, not find some stupid trading card." Gwen says, behind her the store manager walks up to her. "Ahem,"

Gwen quickly hides Grey Matter behind her back as she turns to face him. "It wasn't me! It was my doofus cousin!"

"We'll someone is gonna have to pay for all this!" The manager says and Qwen glares at her feet.


"So, uh, why are we buying all of this cereal?" Max questions. "Well, we would have only had to buy the one I found the gold Sumo Slammer Card in if Hwen hadn't butted in!" Kendra says and both her and Gwen glare at eachother.

"Hello? You were trashing the whole cereal aisle just to find some stupid piece of cardboard!" Gwen retorts. Max goes and puts his hand on Kendra's shoulder.

"Ken, now I can appreciate how much this card means to you, but don't you think you're getting a little --obsessed?" Max says.

Kendra frowns. "Maybe your right Grandpa. I don't deserve a gold Sumo Slammer card." She says sarcastically. "I mean, it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that!"

"Superhero guilt?" Gwen says. "Pretty low even for you."

"Hey, whatever it takes." Kendra says and stops walking when she sees a display. "Whoa, Sumo Slammer cards; a complete set!" She says. Max shakes his head at his granddaughters antics. "Let's check out the pet department."

"Please tell me you aren't looking for our breakfast... Can't you just eat normal food like everyone else?" Gwen gags leaving Kendra behind who is still staring at the display with awe. "Someday you'll be all mine."

The entire store rumbles, TV sets fall from their displays, people scream, and the wals burst, revealing Dr. Animo mounted on his giant frog. Animo gets down from the croaking frog and begins to start pocketing the electronics.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" She asks. The giant frog uses it's tongue to knock stacked boxes on top of her. "Don't be a hero kid." Dr. Animo says to her. "Go play outside or something."

Kendra looks down at the watch, still glowing red. "Oh we'll see about that." She whispers. Animo smiles and mounts the frog again. Two security guards arrive on the scene. "Freeze!" One of them says. "G-get down off that giant... frog and put your hands up!" The second guard says shaking.

Meanwhile, Max and Gwen innocently look around in the pet section. Max reviews his list of items while Gwen plays with a hamster. Suddenly, Animo's frog lands in front of them. Animo turns the dial and red beams shoot out of his transmodulator again. Max pushes him and Gwem out of it's way.

The beam mutates a hamster and a cockatiel, both whom exploded out of their cages and stre menacingly at Max and Gwen.

"Ariiiiise to your full potential, my pets!" Animo laughs like a maniac.

Kendra runs over, she sees Gwen and Max scream and run away from the giant mutant hamster. "Oh, man! What kind of pet food are they selling around here?"

Dr. Animo theatrically presents his mutated animals, all aligned next to him.

"Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me from getting what I deserve. Mark my words! Today I will make history, or-- should I say... prehistory!" Kendra rolls her eyes. "That was a really lame joke not gonna lie."

Gwen looks at Kendra "If you didn't go cereal diving, one of those heroes could be saving us from being hamster chow." Gwen says annoyed. The mutated hamster roars, taking a step forward. As they run away the hamster leaps over Kendra, cornering them. "I can't believe I'm going to die as a hamster chew toy." Gwen says.

Kendra looks at the Omnitrix and back at Animo. "Oh I don't need the watch to stop an overgrown fur ball."

Kendra grabs a football from a conviently placed rack and throws football at the hamsters head, getting it's attention. As Kendra drives away on a scooter, the hamster follows her down the aisle. "That's it..." She says. "Come and get me."

The hamster gain up on Kendra and lunges at her with it's jaw opened wide. Kendra swerves under it and it lands on a knocked-over shelf. Kendra rides up the shelf like a ramp, flying through the air. The mutated hamster tries to jump at her again but falls in between two shelves.

"Suck it fur ball!" Kendra says, the intercom went off.

"Clean-up one aisle six."

Kendra jumps as the giant frog from earlier hops behind her. "Young fool!" Animo says. "You cannot stop me! I will turn 'Kouh' into 'Kouh B.C.'!" He jumps from his frog to his mutated parrot, who flies off with him through a skylight, with the frog following.

"Well... that was anticlimactic." Kendra says.

The store manager comes up to her with Max and Gwen following. "You saved the store!" The manager says. "If there's anything I can do to repay you... Anything you want!"

Kendra thinks for a second and peaks at a gold Sumo Slammer card and grins. "Well, now that you mention it..." Max grabs Kendra by the back of her shirt, dragging her away. "Grandpa?! I was finally gonna score the gold Sumo card!" Kendra whined.

"No time for that now, Kendra. We have a giant parrot to follow." Max says.


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