Ep3: First day does not end well

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Kendra's POV

I groan as my alarm goes off meaning it was time to wake up. Mornings are evil, aren't they?

"Ken, hurry up before we're late doofus!" Gwen's annoying self yells from the other side of my room door.

She can go suck a d*ck for all I care...

"F*ck off!!" I yell and pull my comforter over my head and try to go back to sleep. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

I hear my door opening and footsteps trailing closer to my bed. "Ken, we don't have time for this!" Gwen yells and pulls my covers off of me. "H-hey!"

"Hurry up and get dressed already doofus," Gwen says and walks out of my room. I sighed as I get up from my bed to get ready for school.

(Short time skip)

"Hey, didn't grandpa say not to mess with that?" Gwen says, Kendra ignores her and keeps on fiddling with the Omnitrix. "Yeah? So, what's your point?" Kendra says.

"Ugh, did your parents drop you when you were a baby?" Said Gwen, she watches as Kendra bites at the faceplate of the watch.

"I'm just curious to see how this thing works. It's been red since last night." Kendra says and Gwen sighs. "Can it wait until after we get our schedules, I don't like being late," Gwen says and Kendra nods. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say,"

The two girls walk through the school gates and look around. "Why are the skirts so short here?" Gwen complains and see's several students stare at her. "Ew, what's with the guys here!"

"I told you that you should've worn shorts under it," Kendra says. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll scare off whoever messes with you." Kendra pats Gwen on her shoulder. "... Thanks, Kenny."

"I'm leaving," Kendra says disappearing into the crowd as Gwen tries to follow her. "H-hey! You don't even know where you going!" Gwen shouts and Kendra is nowhere in sight. "Damn it."

Kendra walks through the courtyard messing with the Omnitrix. "Come on, why won't you work." She mumbles messing with the faceplate and buttons that still glowed red. As she's walking, Kendra's face collides with something soft.

"Hm? Oh my, what do we have here~?" A voice says. Kendra's eyes widen and she quickly backs away, her face immediately turned bright red.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Kendra quickly says. The taller woman chuckles and smiles.

"Cute and honest~ Looks like I scored big time~!" She says causing Kendra to blush even harder. "I'm Akeno Himejima, you must be a new student yes?"

"U-um, yes I am!" Kendra stuttered. Why the hell is my heart beating so fast!

"My cousin and I just moved here with our grandfather yesterday," Kendra explains to Akeno. "I see, I can show you around if you like. But can I get your name first?"

"Kendra Tennyson. But you can just call me Ken if you like." Kendra says. "I also kinda left my cousin Gwen somewhere I'll need to find her-"


"Never mind, she found me." Kendra says as Gwen walks over to her. "Why did you leave me behind! Come on, we're going to be late." Gwen says and grabs Kendra by her arm and drags her away from Akeno. "I'll see you later!" Kendra calls out Akeno before disappearing into the school with Gwen.

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