The talk

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When me and my stepmom went to the restaurant and sat at a table. I was nervous I really don't have a good relationship with my stepmom I always blame her about everything. She took my dad away from my mom, blames my mom of what was going on at home with her ex, and bunch of other stuff that mom didn't want to tell me. When I was ever upset my mom always takes me to restaurant and we just talk everything out, so that's what I'm going to do with my stepmom "So what do you feel like eating here? Everything looks delicious" my stepmom said. "I think I'll do some pancakes" I replied "That sounds good" stepmom said while we were looking at the menu the waitress came and took out drinks order. When she left I started to talk to my stepmom "Can I asked you something?" I asked "Sure sweet what is it?" Stepmom said "Why did you and dad took me away from mom?" I replied. My stepmom was hesitant to replied my question, but I want the answer of why they did it "Maya your mom did a bad thing with her boyfriend" "Ex boyfriend" I said interrupting her. "Okay ex boyfriend the thing is Maya she was involved of he did. She was his getaway driver and who knows what other things she did with him. Your dad was worry about you and that's why your here with us and your save now" my stepmom explain more. "My mom was not his getaway driver he was the person who was driving" I replied "How do you know Maya?" "Because I was in that car. It was only me and him in the car when it happened, so you can stop blaming my mom about that" I said. Then the waitress came back with our drinks "Here you girls go and are you girls ready to other food" said the waitress "Yes I'll have the pancakes with hash browns please" I said. "Okay and for you" "Oh I will have the eggs bendick with hash browns too" my stepmom said "Okay great I'll get these right away" said the waitress then walked away. My stepmom was still in shock of what I said earlier "You were there? Why didn't you tell your dad?" Stepmom asked "Because he told me not to say anything about it even my mom then he took me to get ice cream to make me shut up. But now his in prison and I can say whatever I want to say" I said. I looked at my stepmom still in shock but I didn't care I have more questions for her "And I over heard one day when I was 7 years old that you and dad were trying to take me away back then too just because I was hitting boys at my old school" I said "Because hitting people was not right Maya" "I didn't care of was right or wrong I was being bullied. The teachers and principals didn't do anything at all when I went to them or my mom did" I said while my arms cross. "But it still wasn't right Maya. You could've hurt those kids" "Yeah I could've and I should've they all deserved it" I said.

My stepmom didn't say anything for a while then our food came "Alright girls here is your pancakes with hash browns and your eggs bendick with hash browns as well. Any things else I can get for you girls? Waitress asked. "No we're good thanks" I replied I started to eat my food, but my stepmom wasn't eating her food "Hey aren't you going to eat?" I asked then she started eating "I wonder what she's thinking?" Then my phone was going off I checked it and it was Arlo "Hey I have some bad news" "What happend?" I replied "Zachary is on his way to Arizona to find you" Alro text back. I spit out of some water and started to cough "Are you okay?" my stepmom asked "My ex is ccoming to Arizona" I said to my stepmom then I texted Alro "Why!?" I replied "His try to get back togther wih you" Alro text back, while I was texting Alro my dad came and sat the table out of nowhere when I look up my dad had a angry look. "Uhh why are looking at me like that? And why are you here?" I said "She texted me of what you two were talking about" my dad said while poting at my stepmom, I just roulled my eyes and glared at my stepmom "Why did you text him?" I asked "Maya you just told me that you were in the car with your mom's ex boyfriend and did't say anything not even your mom" my stepmom said. "Maya this is serious I'm going to tell your mom about this" my dad said "Whatever do you want blame my mom like you guys always do" I said with a attitude then my dad started talking, but I was on my phone texting Wolf of where he is "Mija are you listening to me?" my dad asked "Yeah I am" I replied. Then I got a text back from Wolf "Yeah I'm close by I'll be there in one munite" Wolf text I smile at my phone "Mija listen to me!" my dad yelled at me while taking my phone I looked at him with anger "Don't you fucking dare yell at me the only fucking reason I'm here is becuse you sue my mom to take me away from her. She didn't do anything wrong she was trying to protect me from her ex! So stop blaming her for everything!" I yelled at him. I was so angery then my phone went off my dad looked at my text "Who's Wolf?" my dad asked I snach my phone from him and ran out the front door "Maya! MAYA!" dad yelled while running after me I quickly went out the door "Maya over here!" Wolf yelled in the distance. I turned around I saw him in his car I ran towreds his car and got in "Maya!" my dad yelled running after Wolf's car, but luckily he couldn't chacth us "You okay?" Wolf asked "Yeah I'm fine" I repild "What happen?" "I got into a fight with my dad and stepmom" I repiled. "Oh wow" Wolf replied "Yeah I don't want talk about" I said "That's fine" Wolf said we were just driving around for hours "Where do you want go we've been driving for hours now" Wolf said "I don't know anywhere I don't want go home" I replied. "Then I know where to go" Wolf said I just looked at the window then my phone was going off of Zachry's text and calls I just kept ignoring it "We are here" Wolf said I looked around and it was a abandon warehouse "Uhhh why are we here?" I asked "I can tell that your still angry so I have some stuff for you to smash" Wolf replied "Smash?" I said all coufused "Yeah so come with me" Wolf said while getting out the car. I just sat there then Wolf open the door for me "Come with me" Wolf said while handing his hand out I looked at him with a smile then grabbed his hand then I followed him while holding his hand then we went to a room with all radom stuff I was just looking around then Wolf handed me a bat and protect glasses "There and there now smash" Wolf said. I just looked at the stuff I just stand for a bit then I started smashing all the stuff was there into tiny little pieces. I kept smashing and smashing then I started cry I stop smashing everything then I fell down on my knees. Then Wolf came behind me put his hand on my shoulder "You feel better now?" Wolf asked "Yeah I'm better now" I replied Wolf help me up. "So tell me what happened" Wolf said then I told him the whole thing Wolf was surprise of the whole story "Wow yeah I would be mad about that too. But why is your ex boyfriend coming to Arizona?" Wolf asked. "Because he wants to get back together but I don't want to be with him again" I replied then my phone was going off, I looked at my phone and it was my dad and Zachary kept calling me I just ignore them. "Let's go back to the car it's getting dark" Wolf said I nodded my head we both went to the car "I don't want to go home" I said "Okay do you want to stay at my place?" Wolf asked.

I looked at him with surprised I smiled "Yeah" I replied then we both head to Wolf's place when we get to his place it was a mansion "Holy shit! You live in a mansion!?" I said freaking out "Oh yeah I do, but I didn't puy this mansion the leader of the animal gang did" Wolf replied. I looked at him confused "The leader of the animal gang bought this mansion for you? Why?" I asked "So he can keep an eye on me" Wolf said I was even more confuse "He put a bunch of cameras and mics around the mansion before I moved in here" Wolf explain more. I thought it was weird that the leader of the animal gang did that just to keep an eye on him "I know what your thinking that it's weird that he did all that just to keep an eye on me. But I'm not the only one Weed and Peach are living in mansions too they are right next door" Wolf said I was in shock that all three leaders bought mansions for just the three of them just to keep an eye on them. "Wait what about the Plant gang?" I asked "There's no favorite yet for the Plant, but the leader of the Planet gang still got the mansion at the end of the block for the favorite" Wolf said I was more shock that the leader of the Planet gang got the mansion for the favorite of the Planet gang. "Wait I thought Daisy was the favorite of the Planet gang" I replied. Then Wolf started to laugh "Man that was really funny hahaha Daisy being a favorite haha" Wolf said I just stand there and confused that I thought Daisy will be soon a favorite. "Look the leader of the Planet gang doesn't have an eye on Daisy and plus I think the leader doesn't like Daisy that much to be not the favorite" Wolf said the more I see why Daisy isn't a favorite of the Planet gang. She so fucking annoying "I can see why now that she isn't" I said "Well follow me and I'll get you some clothes and take you to one of the rooms oh you can take a shower if you want to" Wolf said. "Thanks Wolf" I replied Wolf smiled and showed me my room and the bathroom and gave me some clothes too when Wolf left I started to shower, while I was in the shower I was thinking about what my dad and my stepmom said. "This is serious Maya! That's not right Maya!" It kept going over and over again then Wolf knocked on the door "Maya you alright in there?" "Yeah I'm fine" I replied then I turned off the shower and changed. Then I opened the door and Wolf was waiting by the door "You sure okay?" Wolf asked "Yeah I'm fine" I replied then I went to the room "Will good night Maya" Wolf said "Good night" I replied. I went to the bed it was so soft and warm I check my phone I had fourteen text and twenty miss calls from my dad I ignored all of and I saw a text from Zachary "Hey where are you I want to talk, here is my aunt's address 3465 Rainbrek street I'm going to stay here for a while but I'm not living until we talk okay. Just please come by please" Zachary text. I just left him on red then I saw another text but it was from Zero "Hey are you free tomorrow? Me and my friends are going to the movies tomorrow, do you want to join?" I smiled at my phone then I replied him "Yeah I'm free let's hang" "Great see you there" Zero text. I looked the time at it was midnight I put my phone on silent and went to sleep "I want to go back home with my mom, my family, and my friends. I want to go home" I said in my head.

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