You again - Leila Ouahabi

Start from the beginning

She starts looking through boxes for something but it quickly turns out what she wants is not going to be as easy to find as first thought, "where are your clothes?" she asks, hands on hips and a very disapproving look on her features.

"No sé" you shrug.

While you meet most of the team on that first day, it takes another 24 hours before you to have met almost the entirety of the squad, except for the one person you were hesitant to see again.

Vicky, being the excellent mentor she is, takes the initiative and throws you in at the deep end before you can even introduce yourself on the first afternoon, "sorry chicas, this one couldn't find her clothes" she smirks.

"Oye! No es justo".

The second day goes much more smoothly and you're slowly starting to find your feet, mainly thanks to Vicky but also Laia's and Deyna's help, the three of you navigating your way through the days with your limited English.

It's not until the morning's training that you see or rather hear Leila, the defender making her presence known in the most Leila way possible.

"No encuentro mi camiesta de entrenamiento" you sigh, rummaging around in your locker, "what have you lost?" Deyna asks from across the room, but it doesn't take long for her notice what you're not wearing. "I could help you find your clothes?" the forward says but you miss it, head half stuck in your locker again, meaning you don't see who enters the room.

"Oh y/n doesn't need any".

The sound of her voice is enough to make you freeze but it's the same old Leila camaraderie that makes your blood boil and fills you with rage. How dare she waltz in as enough nothing happened between you and make an offhand comment about your body, let alone your sex life like that?

You slowly retreat from the locker and and come face to face with the person you had tried and albeit failed to run away from.

"Leila" you mutter though gritted teeth as your teammate smirks back at you, running her eyes over your body, only covered by your sports bra and shorts before reluctantly returning to your own.

She then unexpectedly crosses the space and throws her arms you in one of the hugs she was famous for, pressing several kisses to your cheek. Her touch brings a blush to your skin that you thought you were long over but the betrayal from your body says otherwise.

Vicky picks up on the tension, as does Deyna but they choose not to mention it and go back to talking amongst themselves, however Leila doesn't seem to notice and carries on in her usual manner, "estás hermosa mi corazón" she smiles, reaching out and placing a cold hand on your arm, her touch making shiver for more than one reason.

"Enough with the niceties Lei, I left Spain to get away from you, to escape whatever this was" you gesture between you, "not be on the same team again. Why did you follow me here?".

She frowns, "qué? I didn't know you were going to be here" she shrugs and a wave of anger surges through you again as your hands curl into fists, "if we're going to play together again, we need to set some ground rules... I'll see you after training" you explain, taking your now found top from Vicky and slipping past your former lover.


You ignore Leila for the entirety of the training session, only pairing up with Deyna or one of your fellow midfielders, thankfully working in their own small group and your only interaction with the defender comes in the small sided game at the end.

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