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s'more's pov

"I'm what?" I sat up to look neytiri in her eyes. she just pursed her lips. I mean, I hadn't even felt pregnant or had any symptoms. I had been sure the throwing up was just from me hitting my head but I guess I had been wrong.

"I can feel her," neytiri mumbled. her? "she is strong," she put her hand up to my heart, "I can feel her strong heart already," she gave me a weak smile. my breath hitched; realizing that this was real life. I was going to have neteyam's child. we were going to be parents just like I had always wished for us. maybe not this young but now that it was already done - I couldn't think of a better time. I felt a smile appear onto my face as I thought of what the future would hold for neteyam and i.

the fact I was going to be the one to give neteyam heirs after I had always worried I would never be able to give him what he was destined to have. I had blessed him with just that. i looked over to neteyam - he was just now waking up from his faint. I put my hand over my stomach in attempt to feel the baby but of course it was far too soon. I just liked the feeling of knowing there was a presence inside of me. a life - a new life; growing.

neteyam made his way toward me before giving me a sweet kiss. my eyes fluttered closed at the touch of his soft lips. this was perfect - we were now complete. I heard neytiri muffle a giggle that came from her lips. but, the sound of tsireya sniffling sent me back to reality. we were still at war. noxta was dead - Jake was fighting quaritch still. what were we even doing? I pulled away from neteyam and looked over to the ship.

Jake and quaritch were no where to be found. my eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the empty ship. "oh shit!" lo'ak yelled out. I turned around to see what he was yelling about and my eyes widened at the sight. quaritch landing on the rock with his Ikran before hopping off and grabbing neteyam by his hair; holding a knife up to his neck. I hissed at him in response.

no one were to touch neteyam. not on my watch. I pulled my dagger out from my hip. my head was still in excruciating pain but it didn't matter at this moment - all that mattered was neteyam. I had thought I'd gotten dark when noxta had perished but now that neteyam's life was at risk - I was willing to show a whole new crazy. my eyes shifted to neytiri, seeing that she had spider under her grasp. I sucked in a deep breath. I knew she wouldn't really hurt spider. so, I turned my attention back to quaritch. "a son for a son," neytiri spit - a knife up to spiders chest. "I'll cut," and she sliced across spiders chest causing him to bleed.

I knew it was all for a threat so I didn't worry too much about spider having a cut against his chest. I knew he knew that neytiri wouldn't really hurt him as well. "i'm going to search for dad," lo'ak scoffed and dived off into the water - kiri following him. I was sure they would be able to succeed with finding Jake. now that I had nothing else to worry about, my undivided attention was now fully on quaritch.

"you think I care about him? we're not even the same species," quaritch coldly laughed; pulling neteyam's hair back with force causing him to wince.

"kill him, mom!" he yelled out in pain. it made my blood boil at the sight of him in pain. i had my dagger ready to attack and without another word neytiri went to strike spider in the heart causing quaritch to let go of neteyam and that's when I didn't even think twice - I took the opening and lunged toward him.

I dug my dagger into the side of his neck - my teeth taking the initiative to bite onto his ear; ripping it clean off. his blood coated my mouth. he screamed out in agony - my finger nails clawing at his face like a rabid animal. my teeth sinking into any part of his flesh I could reach and pulling at it like I hadn't eaten in weeks. I could hear neytiri gasped at the sight of me demolishing quaritch. but, I had said it before and ill say it again. I cared more about neteyam then I cared about myself. I'd do anything for him - even if it meant hurting myself in the process.

quaritch tried to get the dagger from out of his neck but I grabbed it before he could. I swung my arm back, making the dagger enter his chest. I pulled the dagger down so that his chest practically opened. I screamed at him with rage - his body fell over from all the pain. I felt the adrenaline inside my body just now start to rise. which only meant that I was just now getting started. "I think that's enough-" spider tried to snapped me out of my attack but neytiri had just shut him up. I looked up at tsireya holding tuk and then looked back down to quaritch; watching as his chest bled profusely.

"cover her eyes," I snarled and once tsireya obeyed - I gritted my teeth before letting out the most blood curdling rage scream anyone has ever heard. quaritch looked at me with fear in his eyes and that was enough to finish the job. I reached my hand into his chest before ripping his heart out with the effort of rage. I watched quaritch's eyes immediately lose life and die out.

tsireya gasped at the sight; covering her mouth. neteyam was in a state of shock - he had no words to even form a sentence. I looked down at my hands. I couldn't believe I had killed someone, especially my father and giving the fact that it was so brutal. I couldn't even comprehend that it was me who had just done this. "that was for noxta," I mumbled and got off of him.

my chest heaved up and down; out of breath. "Emma..." spider had no words either. I could see if he was upset with me after this - giving the fact he had probably bonded with him over the time they had been together. but, what mattered more was that we were finally safe - we were finally rid of him.

lo'ak and kiri arrived back with Jake as I had suspected they would. Jake saw quaritch's lifeless body and then saw how I was coated in blood. he didn't even bother to ask questions. he just walked up to me; pulling me up to my feet and taking me in his arms. I sighed into the comfort of his body. everyone fell silent; gathering around to group hug.

our war was finally over.

a/n - let me know if smore getting her lick back was too much.. also, like be so frl she's bad ass even if she went a little over board.

after this book also, i'm thinking for writing a lo'ak one. let me know if that's something y'all would read!!

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