"All demon elements this net, you have 3 minutes to make it to the extraction point 5 blocks from your position, be advised, you miss this extraction another one would not be coming, so haul ass, base out."

The radio went dead right after, signaling the end of the transmission.

"Alright, three minutes start now, let's move."


A paint ball bullet was fired immediately from Santos and I looked in the direction to see that she had taken out two with one shot, Splash Damage.

"Nice shot."

She didn't say anything and went back to finding targets.

"Let's take out the ones closest to us at the moment and leave the rest for when we push up, how does that sound?"

I relied the plan, a thumbs up was my only response and I just smiled, my woman was jealous as well as mad at me but I will sort that out later.

Now, time to let go some paintballs and get some headshots.

"Target to your 3, 400 yards"

I rotated my gun to find the target she had picked out and once I got him in my cross hairs, I took the shot.


The paint ball, made contact with his face immediately and I could see him rubbing the spot.

"Next target at our 12, 1200 yards, stand by for bullet drop."

I followed the directions and aimed, he looks to be a good 2 notches for a perfect headshot but I didn't take the shot, wanting to wait on Santos.

"2 notches, send when ready"


We spent a good minute up on the hill, taking out from the first and second block, before going down on the ground, our AK-117's in hand as we move Swiftly, yet carefully to our objective.

We came up on a three man patrol three blocks away from our target and we had to make a choice.

"Either wait for them to move or take them out quickly, what's your favorite choice?"

I asked her, she hold up her knife in her hand and I just smiled, duplicating her action as we walked out from the shadows, we creep up behind the three men and I grabbed one by the back of his neck and choked him.

Santos had the next one but a noise was made, alerting the third member who turned around but I fake throw the knife, signaling that I would've thrown it in real life, effectively killing him then choke out the one in my hands, Santos doing the same.

We hid the bodies right after to reduce alerting any one else as we move up. We went side by side, one covering the front the other the back and we would switch the position every now and then, moving within the shadows of the houses and keep noise to a minimum.


Three bodies when down instantly after we bended a corner, we moved up right after, seeing no point to hiding the bodies since enemy activity in this sector is at a minimum.

"Demon, Sky Phoenix, we are 1 click from LZ alpha, how is progress, over?"-R

The helicopter pilots voice was heard from the radio.

"Sky Phoenix, Demon 1, we are two blocks from LZ, be prepared for immediate lift off."-R

"Sky Phoenix copies all, see you soon."-R

The radio went dead again while me and Santos were hiding two more bodies from sight. We continued our advance and was only one block away when we heard the sounds of a copter blades from the sky.

"Demon 1, Sky Phoenix, We are nearing LZ, be advised, LZ is not cleared, I repeat, LZ is not cleared."-R

Of course it's not, it never is. Santos and I hauled it to the extraction point to see a mass of 20 soldiers all surrounding the LZ, of Sky Phoenix, around two of them had RPG'S pointed at the bird.

"Demon, Sky Phoenix, we have a problem here, we have to put her down or we all die."-R

"Hang tight Sky Phoenix, we see you, just be prepared to lift off again, Demon out"-R

I looked towards my girlfriend, who was reloading her paintball gun.

"So paint Grenade and kill everyone standing?"

I asked her and she nodded, a smile on her face as she took the grenade off her chest and pulled the pin.

"Let's move."

She released the trigger and threw the grenade at the group, it exploded before any of them had any time to alert the other while Santos and I was firing round after round of paint at them.

"Hammer right, Hammer right!!"

She yelled and I took the right side, shooting one of them in the leg then in the chest, another got a headshot, making splur of red paint all around. I advanced forward taking them down one paint ball after another till the right side was clear of all tangos.

"Right side clear!"

I yelled over the spinning blades of the helicopter, I kept a look out for anymore unwanted guest but heard the sound of footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Santos there.

"Left side clear, simulation complete."

The copter powered down and out came the marines as well as the ninjas that were apart of the exercise, the sound of clapping could be heard even through the loud helicopter.

After a few minutes of getting out of the gear and clean up, we were back in the field the marines looking at me.

"Alright, you all saw what happened and know it's impossible to do it but you just have to trust your training and the person beside of you to get you out of a situation like that if needs be, that's it for now, fall out and go to the mess hall for lunch."

"Yes Sir!"

They all Saluted and walked off to go get lunch.


The end for this chapter

See you all soon


Naruto: soldier of 141जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें