chapter 9

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-"I'm sorry," the surgeon said as their foreheads were pressed together and their eyes closed.
Maya had stepped back in concern, and opened her eyes. Her greatest fear... Her second biggest fear after Carina's death was happening. She did not share her feelings. Anxiety had come over her eyes.


- "No, no, no bambina! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, for scaring you and for f-f-f-fainting... I- I mean, I don't think I, I ...." She took a deep breath, "I love you. I love you from the beginning Maya."

- "oh my god, don't ever do that to me again. I literally felt my heart fall thirty floors and break."

The brunette had come to sit on Maya's thighs who was still on the ground.

-"I'm sorry bambina. I love you..." She whispered.
"Damn! That feels good!..." She had surprised the blonde. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I think I could tell you for hours. A huge weight has just left my shoulders. I love you" she made as she released a breath and came to hug her.

- "do you want to go somewhere tomorrow after work? We have two days together we could..."

- "no. Tomorrow I want to lock ourselves in your house and I want to make love and I want to be able to tell you as many times as I want that I love you, because it's been burning my lips for weeks, and I want to tell you when I make love to you and when you make love to me and I want you to tell me... Maya I don't need flowers, great restaurants, romantic weekends away... I need you... I have traveled a lot and I know a lot of places... And the only place I want to visit is your beautiful body... Even if we go out... If we go to another city or something... It's staying locked up in the hotel room that I'm going to want... What did you do to me... You're making me look like an obsessive..."

-"I just wanted to please you"

- "oh but I reassure you ... You do it very well... To perfection even..."

- "Carina DeLuca I love you, but you should rest"

- "you too"

- "I'm fine"

- "that's not what your circles say"

- "it's exhausting to be in love and worry about the woman of your life"

- "am I the woman of your life?" Carina asked, blushing and coming to bite her lip.

- "I don't know, you're the only person I've ever been in love with in my life... What do you call that?"

- "the luckiest woman in the world?"

- "what do you mean?"

- "I am the luckiest woman in the world. Can you believe it? The only time your heart fell in love was with me... Your own heart, the most beautiful woman in the world. And, Maya, you can make everyone think you're heartless and ruthless... But the woman today who yelled my name through that walkie-talkie, the one who yelled my name as I lost consciousness... She is the woman I know... She's the one who melted my heart, I knew how to read you before you even kissed me that day"

-"You see, you've got it all wrong, I'm the lucky one".

- "Maya, everyone you let in could describe you that way... But for a reason that is totally unknown to me and yet that I cherish, you chose to love me, me, for the first time in your life"

- "I did not choose... You don't choose to love someone... There are just three thousand reasons that I can't name that would explain it"

- "you love me..." She whispered and looked into her eyes with the most loving look in the world, filled with emotion.

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