chapter 1

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- "we have the best records in the entire city, I don't see why we have to bring strangers into our firehouse."

- "it's a bit racist..."

- "I'm not talking about the fact that they are Italian! I'm talking about the fact that they're not from our station, these three women don't work for us".

- "Captain Bishop I've been trying for far too long to work with your insubordination, you got to keep your job after the stunt you pulled on my predecessor eight months ago with the kid you transported with the RIG, but my patience has limits, SFD's patience has limits, what do you want me to do, send these three poor women to 23 maybe? The goal being to see how the best station in town can become even better if we bring in a mobile trauma system that would allow us to save more lives."

- "three minutes, we respond in less than three minutes!"

- "yes, but between the response time, the intervention, and the final arrival at the hospital, we still sometimes lose victims"

- "in any case, don't expect me to give them a warm welcome. I say this and I'll say it as many times as it takes, this is my station and I will not be pushed around by Charlie's Angels."

-"Dr. DeLuca will suffice, thank you," said a woman as she entered the truck shed behind Maya.

- "aaahh there she is! Our PRT leader! Dr. DeLuca, meet Captain Bishop!" said Ross.

The blonde had turned and looked down at the brunette seeing her outstretched hand, she had continued to look up to her face, before finally taking her hand to shake it.

-"Enchanted" made the Italian the closed face by raising an eyebrow.

- "Likewise" replied the captain before dropping her hand and turning to the head of the SFD. "You'll excuse me, I have work to do".

- "Oh no, Bishop, as a good captain as you are, you will show your barracks to the chief DeLuca"

- "Chief? ... Should I call her chief?" Asked the blonde as if she wasn't there.

- "she is a chief"

- "she's higher ranking than me?"

- "she's a trauma chief, you're a station captain, it's different"

- "and again, Dr. DeLuca will do for me... And I like to be addressed when I'm here and talked about."

- "I have a feeling this collaboration is going to be interesting!" Said Ross as he started to leave before turning around.
"Dr. Deluca, when does your team arrive?"

- "tomorrow, today I was just coming to ... The welcoming committee and tie up the finals details."

- "What finals details?! And who will be in charge of her ... Subordinates?"

- "my team, I may be the leader but they are my collaborators, not my underlings. I work for this station and they work with me. You can talk to them, but the final decision is mine".

-"Good day ladies!"

- "thank you chief Ross" said the Italian, which earned her a dark look from the blonde.
"So where do we start?"

- "I'm going to call you a lieutenant to show you around"

- "but Chief Ross..."

- "Chief Ross is gone"

- "is this how you want us to start this collaboration? I'm going to have to report that I was delivered like a package to one of your lieutenants?"

- "My lieutenants, as you will witness, Doctor... DeLuca, are the best firefighters you will ever see, all my firefighters, we are the best station in this city and I will not let anyone pretend they are worth less because they are not in charge."

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