chapter 7

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Carina had indeed rested all day and the captain had sent her a message to give her her address.

The Italian had arrived at the blonde's house at nine o'clock, she was wearing a black suit and a burgundy shirt with a black border with what seemed to be heeled boots that disappeared under her pants.

Maya had come to open the door for her and her eyes had fallen on her body.

- "Will you let me in?"

- "y-yes of course"

- "you look great captain bishop" she said, struggling to take her eyes off of her.

The blonde had opted for a short dress and it was the first time that the Italian saw her so feminine.

- "you too"

- "here" she said, holding out a bottle of white wine.

- "you didn't have to come with anything" she said as Carina placed a bag, probably of clothes, next to the dresser in the hall.

-"I didn't think you were the kind of woman who wore dresses... I don't even want to... Go out, I just want to take it off you..."

- "it's important to get strong"

- "I've been eating my frustration for a month... I think I've even gained weight..."

- "you are perfect"

- "that's a nice thing to say"

- "it's sincere"

- "all this to say that I could skip a meal..."

- "it would be a shame to have prepared to not go out..."

- "I prepared for you, for no one else"

- "you make me look like a horrible woman who doesn't listen to you..."

- "It's kind of the case, aren't you..." Laughed the Italian. "but right now you're making me look like an obsessive"

- "we should go, right?"

- "aren't you forgetting something?" The blonde had retrieved her bag and in it was her phone, her bank card, her car keys. "No, I don't think so."

The brunette had walked over and put her hand on her cheek before looking down at her mouth.

- "ciao."

- "good evening" replied Maya while letting herself be kissed.

They had finally managed to leave and Maya had taken Carina to a restaurant with Greek specialties.

The Italian had been surprised but the blonde had explained this choice by the fact that she wanted to take Carina to a place where she had never been, and that she wanted to discover new things with her.
The American had especially made her pass a subliminal message on the fact of discovering new things with her.

They had talked, it was soothing to spend time together without yelling at each other. Even if wanting to have the upper hand on each other had a funny side, it also had an exhausting side.

Maya had insisted that she had never been in love and that she had never really considered herself a couple. However these revelations were double-edged, either Carina understood the connection with wanting to test new things, or she understood completely the opposite and that she didn't want to commit, notwithstanding she wasn't ready to put into words what she wanted yet, she just wasn't ready.

They had been in the restaurant for over two and a half hours, they hadn't spoken in a month and now they were making up for lost time. So Maya had been able to tell more about her medal and why she didn't want to sit at the end of the table, she knew Travis had more or less told her but she wanted it to come from her; for Carina to understand that she trusted her. She'd told her about the place of athletics in her life and how she'd become a station captain, really told, not like the time at the bar when she'd gotten the shortened version.

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