chapter 6

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At half past four in the morning the barracks alarm had sounded as Maya and Carina were having sex again.

- "It's you..."

-"I can't come out of your room... One, we're going to get burned straight away, two... I'm naked and my clothes are downstairs..."

- "so you're not going to go?"

- "Do you have Andy's number?"

- "you gonna tell Andy? You're gonna tell her to bring you clothes?"

- "I'm going to tell her to go to intervention for me."

Carina had given her her phone and the firefighter had texted Andy.

Carina DeLuca: It's Maya. Can you manage the intervention for me, please?

They had heard the door to the first stall open and Andy run out. Then the rig, the ladder truck and the ambulance left just thirty seconds later. Barely two minutes later the phone had vibrated.

Andy Herrera: Why am I getting a message from Maya on Carina's phone?

Carina DeLuca: I am not in my room. We're working out our... Differences. And stop smiling I can see you from there.

Andy Herrera: If I need the PRT, can I disturb you?

Carina DeLuca: sure

- "really?! Are you already bored with our arguments?" Asked the brunette.

Carina DeLuca: really in an extreme emergency!!! Extreme emergency.

Andy Herrera: Hi Carina.

- "no, but I try to be a good captain."

- "I assure you that you are good... Very very good..."

- "so I'm not forgiven yet?"

- "I like the way you seek forgiveness... So no"

- "you know we're probably going to get in over our heads again in intervention?"

- "I really like how it ended up during our last fight"

- "in my office?"

- "in my PRT"

Maya had gotten up on her knees had put her hands on the Italian's hips and pulled her to her legs so that her buttocks touched her thighs.

Her hands had gone up against the back of her sides and had come to be placed on her shoulder blades. She had raised the Italian and had come to sit here on her thighs to kiss her. The brunette had then passed her arms around her shoulders.

They had kissed in a very sensual way, their naked bodies stuck the one to the other, when the telephone of Carina had rung.

"no, no, no, no, no" made the Italian.

The blonde had leaned forward and taken the doctor's phone. She saw her best friend's name and picked it up.

/Phone conversation/

- "Yes?"

- "Maya?" Herrera asked surprised despite knowing they were together.

- "Yes?"

The Italian had begun to kiss the blonde on the neck.

- "wow that's weird... Okay, uh, we need Carina. We have a woman impaled on a fence... Ben thinks Carina is his only hope."

- "we're on our way"

- "we?"

- "yes, we"

- "I'll send you the details by message"

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