•Chapter 10•

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Ava's P.O.V

The only emotion I ever felt around Rhys was anger. I was a very patient person but, around him, I don't know why, I often got agitated. He had that ability to make me burn in rage.

Like right now.

I had come to this Fashion Museum to get some ideas, but I was so angry that neither of the beautiful dresses could capture my attention.

I needed a cup of hot, steaming coffee, but if I go out then I would have to buy another ticket which would be an utter waste of money.

So, I found a secluded corner and plugged my earphones in to listen to music. It always helped me to calm down. I am sure this trick would help me now too.

Just as I sat down on a nearby chair and played 'Happier' by 'Bastille', a fake cough interrupted me.

I paused the music, a little irritated at the interruption, and looked upwards towards the noise.

My eyes widened when I saw who was standing above my head. "Ms. Garcia! How are you?"

"Mr. Romano? I am perfectly fine. What about you?"

"I am fine too. What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupid question, "Why will I come here? To view the dresses, of course."

He chuckled, "Still fiesty, see."

I smiled, "Still stupid, see."

Mr. Alexander Romano, my childhood best friend. He was the only one- except my two best friends- who knew about my abuse.

I remember that day like it was just yesterday that we met and became friends.

We had just arranged our things into our new house when the bell rung, revealing the Romano's. After exchanging some brief pleasantries, they invited us for dinner.

I was quite happy to meet new people. I had always loved to meet new beings. I was not always shy and introvert.

Once upon a time, I was a chirpy and bubbly girl, but that behavior flew out of the window when all the pain and suffering started.

Anyways, I had managed to win Alex's parents' heart by my constant blabbering. And, Alex, at that time, was a very shy person. So, it took a lot of efforts from my side to befriend that idiot.

I was, I guess, 5 when we befriended each other. That was the time when everything was fine and my parents loved me.

They started their torture when was 7 years old because they had got to know about my powers at that time.

At the start of my downfall, they only said some bitchy things. But, then it got converted into slaps, kicks and punches.

Alex had barged inside my room when I was cleaning my wounds. He had demanded to know everything and I knew I couldn't hide it from him anymore and so, I told him.

I confided in him and trusted him to give me his support, and that was exactly what he did for 7 years.

After that, his parents had decided to move into a bigger apartment because his father had gotten a job which paid higher salary.

It had been almost 8 years since had last saw him.

He had changed a lot.

His light stubble gave him a more mature look. His blue eyes were filled with joy and mischief. His mouth was curved up in a grin. He was more muscular than I remembered.

"You have changed a lot." I commented while checking him out.

"Done checking me out, princess?"

"Who will want to check out a pig like you?"

"I beg to differ. Women love my handsome looks, Ava. I can get any woman I want."

"Hmm? Then, go and show me what you can do, Alex. Make that lady flirt with you." I pointed in a random direction.

"Wait and watch." He said as he followed my pointed finger, but soon frowned when he saw an old lady.

"What the fuck?"

"You said you can charm any lady, right? She is a woman. Go, make her flirt with you." I pressed my lips tighter to stop the laughter that was threatening to escape from my lips.

"Shut up, woman." He grumbled in frustration and that was when laughed my heart out at his frustration.

"Enjoying yourself, huh?" An all too familiar voice broke my laughter and made me bite my tongue so that I don't say anything that I would regret.

"Very much." I gave him a tight-lipped smile and grabbed Alex's arm to pull us out of the situation.

"Who is he?" He stepped forward before we could get away from him and blocked our way.

"Get out of my way."

"Who is he?"

"None of your goddamn business." I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"It becomes my business when something involves you."

"Oh? And, why is that?"

"You see, you are quite weak. So, someone has to protect you."

I clenched my jaw, "Keep your fucking protection to yourself. I don't need you to preserve me. Let's go, Alex."

Without giving him a chance to respond, I walked away with my childhood best friend towards a more secluded area, away from a particular bastard.

Rhys Sinclair had an ability to perturb me like no-one else.


Chapter by sun_shine_4 <3.

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