Chapter 17 Weekly Dinner

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'......Why should I do something so beneath me?'

'I...wanted to see the look in the lock through you, so that I can try and make a key for it with my creation magic.'

'Why do you want to create another key when you already have one?'

'What do you mean by I already have it?'

'That ring is the key of course!'


'Why else do you think slaves recognize the owner of the ring as their master? And from the magic I feel from it. That ring is also probably the thing that commands the collar to inflict injuries on them.'

'Why didn't you tell me about this before?'

'I forgot you only know how to sense ancient magic and not decipher it... Anyway you could have used your mindreading on that assh*le instead.'

'Ah, I forgot about that..and what did I tell you about curses? Where did you even learn that word?' As far as she knew it wasn't a curse word from this world.

'Haha, you don't need to worry about that..and it was only word .He is really a piece of shit you know. Anyways do you want to know how to transform it?'

'Of course!'

'Then try injecting your mana into it.'

Outside, the slaves who didn't know about their mental dialogue started to get nervous seeing Selene standing still for so long. They became even more anxious when they saw her take off the ring suddenly especially for Ren, the boy Selene had saved. Numerous thoughts and guesses ran through his mind about Selene abandoning them. He had a feeling that she would be a good master and had no intention to give her up.

He took a step forward and was about to speak when he saw the ring glow after Selene touched it after which a rusted black ornamented key appeared in its place.

"Hm, it really is the key." Selene murmured. She looked up to see Ren who had his one leg forward and asked him to come close.

She put the key in the lock of his collar and turned it, as expected the lock clicked open and the collar fell to the ground with a loud clang. Ren stared at it while touching his neck, he could not believe that the thing which had been on his neck for last 8 years is not there anymore but on the ground.

"That's good. Now that we have the key tell me who all wants to leave the guild, I will free them first." Selene said looking at the black clothed group.

The group went silent. Selene was a bit surprised at this result, she had expected at least one or two people to come forward.

She then told them to form a line so that she could unlock the collars one by one. She looked outside the window after she was done, it was already time to return.

 "I have to leave now, while I'm away I have work for you all. First, I want you to gather all the other members after they come back. Inform me when you do that."

"But we don't have any way to contact you.." One of the slaves said raising his hand.

"Right for that...Send a message to this address." Selene said taking out a piece of paper. 

Of course it wasn't the address of the duchy, she had gained some trust issues after the betrayal in her past life and had no interest in revealing anything about her identity at least until they prove their loyalty. The paper contained Aldis' address, since no one knew that he was connected to Selene.

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