Chapter Five ~ Gardening Blog

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Bloom Jackson

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Bloom Jackson

I put up my sign that says lunch break packed up my laptop and put it into my bag. I grabbed the rest of my things and left my desk. I took the stairs all the way to the first floor. The stairs are actually less crowded only a few people take them. I called for a taxi and waited by the curb for one to pull up.

Once a taxi stopped I got in and gave him directions to the local community garden. The garden isn't far so we were there in less than five minutes. I got out and grabbed my back. I paid him in cash and he drove off. There were some elderly women and some women a little older than me here. I sat on a bench and pulled out my laptop and my lunch.

Some days I am proud of myself for eating even though it's a small portion. I looked around a smiled at people when they walked by. I went to the website I found about blogging over the weekend, and today is the day I want to start. When I blog, I want to do it in a garden to have a good visual. I started writing and creating my page. I know this may take a while for people to find and become interested in what I do. 

I finished creating my page and eating my sandwich even though it was half of it. I need to head back to the office soon. I started writing my first blog by introducing myself and how much gardening means to me. I posted it and before I closed my laptop I got a notification.

I clicked on it and it was a new follower and alike to my post. Did they even read it? I just posted it. I smiled.


I was always careful when it came to social media so I didn't follow him back. I closed my laptop and made my way back to the building. I decided to walk back since it was a beautiful day. I looked at the women in sun dresses and men in bright-colored shorts and some even dressed up like businessmen. It is lunchtime so I know it's about to get crowded real soon.

I walked back up the stairs and sat down at my desk. It was cleared no work. I furrowed my eyebrows.

" I decided to give you a break," Mariano said as the elevator door opened. 

" Umm, thank you. Did I do something wrong?" Am I going to get fired?

" No, I feel like I am working you too much, so I decided to be considerate and let you take the rest of the week off and I had to pay the media to get the pictures off and the assumptions."

" Thanks," I forgot about the pictures taken on the event night. I took my things and walked passed Mariano.

" Have a good rest of the week. I'll see you next week, Bloom."

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