Parade (Jax's POV)

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How did I get dragged into being in a parade? Why did I let them make a float for me? What can I do to get out of it?

"How did I get dragged into this?" I ask, walking into the library and sitting down next to Gilly.

"What happened this time?" Gilly asks, closing her book and looking up at me. A stand of hair had escaped her ponytail and fallen in front of her face. I kind of really want to move the hair out of her face. Is that weird?

"I have to be in a parade. On a float. A fancy one. And I have to wear a fancy suit." I say, laying my head on the table.

Gilly starts laughing. Hard. For quite a while.

... Well, she does have a nice laugh, even if she is laughing because of my misfortune.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want Thief, but I also get to bring someone with me in the parade. Guess who I'm going to pick now." I say, glaring over at Gilly. She stops laughing immediately.

"No." She says, opening her book again. Her eyes start moving over the pages.

"You have to. Just like how I have to be in the parade. You're coming." I say, narrowing my eyes even more. Gilly looks up from her book and stares at me blankly.

"Fine." She says finally, looking back down at her book. I'm surprised by this. I thought she would fight harder.

Apparently, I'm not the only one that's surprised.

"Wait, really? You're not going to have a huge argument about this? You're just going to agree?" Ollie asks, raising an eyebrow at Gilly.

"What's the point? You're just going to somehow get me to do it anyway. I don't see the point in fighting when I'm going to lose anyway." Gilly explains.

"Sounds good to me. I'll tell Raz that you need a dress." I say, standing up and walking over to a bookshelf to pick out a book.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gilly shake her head and close her book. She stands up from the table.

"Fine. I'm going to my room then. Have fun planning the parade and everything." Gilly says, walking out of the room.

I watch Gilly leave and for a second I feel kind of sad. I wanted to give her a hug. I don't know why, I just did.

I find a book, check it out, then I go to my room.

Time Skip~~~

On the day of the parade I put on my suit. I've been told that I'll be matching with Gilly. The suit jacket is violet and the pants are dark purple. It's like my eyes and the streak in her hair. I also have a pair of light blue fingerless gloves.

I'm about to go meet up with Gilly now. I made sure that she could wear her boots, I know that fancy shoes would probably drive her crazy, especially with everything else that's going to be happening.

I step to where I'll be meeting up with Gilly, and walk through the doorway.

"Nice. Matching outfits. Great. Fabulous." Gilly says as I enter the room. She's twirling the end of her ponytail around her finger.

I look at her outfit for a moment. It's a purple fade, starting at light violet, ending in dark purple. She has her boots but the laces have been replaced with different purple laces. She has light blue fingerless gloves on as well.

"You look nice." I say, purposefully ignoring her comment and looking her in the eye.

"Jeez, now I feel bad about being sarcastic. You need to stop doing that... And I guess you look nice as well... Thank you." Gilly mutters, tugging at her gloves.

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