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After Gilly and her friends save Enchantasia, Gilly starts reading to the kids at the orphanage.

It's that day again! It's Friday! That means I'm going to the orphanage today to read to all of the children there!

I pull on a purple hoodie (no, I totally did not steal it from Jax) and my favorite pair of jeans. I lace up my brown boots, and put my hair in a ponytail, then I grab my bag and walk to the front of the school.

Flora said that it was okay for me to read to the kids in the orphanage every Friday, I don't know why I decided to, but when I see the kids faces light up, I can't believe there was a time when I wouldn't have wanted to read to them!

I hop into one of the carriages and it starts to take me into town. My friends come with me sometimes, but today they're all busy.

I arrive at the orphanage a few minutes early so I set up a chair in the reading corner. Then I pull the book options out of my bag and gently spread them out on the floor so the kids can vote for one.

I sit in the chair and wait for the kids to arrive. I don't have to wait long. One of the kids once told me that my visits were her favorite part of the week, then the kids all gathered around me and gave me a group hug! Kids can be so cute!

The first few kids arrived and sat right in front of me, just behind the books I spread out.

"Auntie Gilly!" They all yell when they see me. It always makes me smile to hear them call me that.

Here's the story behind it:
The first time I came to the orphanage, one of the kids, Chase, asked if he could call me auntie. I had no clue why, but I said that they all could if they wanted to. Now every kid in the orphanage calls me Auntie Gilly and if they ever have a problem they ask me if I can stay after I read to them, or they ask Miri to ask me to come to the orphanage.

I love these kids with all my heart!

"So, what are we going to read today kids?" I ask.

They all think about it for a minute, then Alice suggests 'The Truth About Stories by Kit Kat'. The others agree with her, saying that it sounds interesting, so I open the book and start to read.

'Someday you'll learn that the saddest words a book can tell you are the words 'the end'. Not only are they the saddest words, but they are a complete and utter lie. When you pick up a book and read the words 'once upon a time' you might find that the book will never be able to end, because the characters will be in your heart forever, and the story will always be in your head. Wow, this is getting kind of cheesy. I better stop.

Here's the reason you picked up this book; to read it, right? To be entertained or to entertain someone else. Well, be warned, this book is magic, just like all other books. Once you begin reading this book a part of it will stay with you forever. If you wish to stop at anytime you can just close the book, but you won't be able to completely forget about it. If you wish to continue reading, turn the page. If you wish to stop and only know the words you've already read, close the book and go about your day.'

"Do we want to continue reading?" I ask the kids around me.

"Yes!" They all yell.

I turn the page.

'If you are reading these words that means you chose the first option. Congratulations, you are now a part of our world, and we are now a part of you, whether we know it or not...'

I read the book to my little friends for what feels like minutes but was probably hours. When I read to these kids time seems to speed up, which makes me feel cheated when I have to leave. I read the last words of the book with a sadness in my heart.

'And now, we have run out of paper, but this is not 'the end'. Remember, those words are a lie. So, I suppose this book will be continued, not on paper though, but in your own imagination. Thank you for letting us become a part of your life.'

I close the book and look around me.

"There you go. Did you like the story?" I ask.

"Yes!" The kids yell.

The kids all gather around me and give me a group hug.

"I'll see all of you next week! Have a great day kids!" I say, packing up the books I brought and putting the chair back where it goes.

The kids wave to me as I walk out the door.

I can't wait for next week.

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