I'm Going to Marry Him

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So, I keep hearing these cute stories about two kids being like 'We're going to get married someday!' So I thought, why not?

The FTRS Crew is 5.

Gilly's POV

It's time for class at FTRS again. FTRS stand for Fairytale Reform School. I was sent here because I 'couldn't behave' in a regular school. The rest of my friends also 'couldn't behave'. FTRS has another school too, but that one is for older kids. At least, that's what I heard. I also was told that it's for kids who have committed crimes though. Maybe it's for both, or neither.

I sit down on the rug and stare up at my teacher. She's very tall, with red hair, blue eyes, and a nice smile. One time I told her that she was pretty (Kids are so sweet when they say stuff like that! It's so cute!). She laughed, then thanked me. It wasn't a mean laugh, it was one of those laughs that makes you feel all warm inside. My teacher is very kind.

After all my classmates arrive, I expect the teacher to start the lesson, as usual. Instead, she walks out the door and comes back a moment later with a boy about my age. He's staring at his feet, and I can't see his eyes. I do notice that his hair is the color of corn. A nice shade of golden yellow.

"Class, this is Jaxon Porter. He's a new student here. Please be kind to him." My teacher says.

I nod. She introduced all of us this way when we first got here. I was always happy to see new people. I was five after all, the perfect age to make friends because I didn't really feel awkward talking to people.

Later, when we got free time, I walked over to the boy. I noticed that his shoulders were shaking slightly. He must be crying.

"Hello. I'm Gilly Cobbler. Are you alright?" I ask, trying to be quiet. I don't want the other kids to notice that he's crying. The last time I cried in class, everyone stared at me. I felt like a child, even though I was a big girl. I was five years old, that's practically almost ten!

"I'm fine." The boy sniffs, trying to wipe away his tears without me seeing. I saw, of course, but I didn't say anything.

The boy finally looked up at me and I gasped. After I gasped, I slapped a hand over my mouth. I did not mean to do that. Now the boy looks sad!

His eyes are a violet color. I'd never seen purple eyes before. They looked so pretty.

"Your eyes are really pretty." I say, hoping to cheer the boy up. It was true too.

"Thanks." He almost whispers.

I stare at him for another moment before offering him a tissue I had grabbed from a nearby table on my way over.

"I thought you might want this. Do you have a nickname?" I ask as he takes the tissue.

"Jax." The boy says, blowing his nose.

"Well, I just found some new crayons in the cabinet. Would you like to color a picture with me?" I ask, holding out my hand.

The boy hesitated for a moment before he slowly takes my hand. I lead him over to a table and pull out some pieces of paper and the crayons I found.

"What do we draw?" Jax asks.

"Anything we want." I say, smiling at him.



A few minutes later, I look over at his paper and see a picture that looks just like me!

"Wow. You're really good at drawing." I say, staring at the colors. Brown hair and eyes, freckles, and a small ponytail. He only drew my head and it looks exactly like me!

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