Love Spell part 2

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Hey! This is part 2 to Love Spell! Happy Valentines Day!

1 week later

Jax is sitting next to me on the grass. I'm slightly aware that we're holding hands again. We seem to be holding hands a lot over the past week.

"Gilly! Jax! We're gonna go pull a prank on Jocelyn! You guys coming or not?" Ollie yells to us.

That does not sound like the best idea.

"I think we'll stay here, thank you though." Jax says, reading my mind.

"Yeah. Tell us all about it after though. If you survive." I tell Ollie as he shrugs and walks away.

"Do you think they found the spell to cure those other students who got hit by the love spell?" Jax asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe. It's been a week so most likely." I respond.

"What if they never find the cure to the spell? What if the girl tries again?" Jax questions.

"If she tries again then I'll protect you again. You won't get hit by the love spell again, and even if you do, she'll probably do the spell wrong again." I reply.

Jax nods and relaxes a little bit.

"Gilly! We need your help!" I hear Miri yell.

"What is it now Miri?" I ask, starting to stand up with Jax's help.

"It's the girl who was using the love spell! She escaped! We need you to help us track her down before she starts casting spells again!" Miri informs me.

I look over at Jax.

"Don't worry, we'll find her before she can start casting her love spells again." I tell Jax.

Jax nods and gives me a small smile. I smile back and take Jax's hand, leading him into FTRS.

"We'll find her quickly, then we'll make sure she never casts another love spell ever again. I know that sounds like I'm saying that we should kill her but that is not what I mean. I mean that we should take her magic and her wand." I explain.

"Okay. Let's go find her then." Jax said, starting to walk faster.

We both walked into FTRS still holding hands.

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