Fake Pockets

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... Fake pockets make me so freaking angry. I think Gilly would feel the same way.

"Gilly! What's wrong?" I hear Kayla asking me.

We just got back from clothes shopping and I was trying on the pants I got when I found out something terrible! I scream again.

"Gilly what is it?" Maxine yells, coming over to me.

"The pockets in my pants are... FAKE!!" I shout, trying to push my hands into the nonexistent pockets.

There's a moment where no one says anything. Then... chaos.

"WHAT!!!!!" Kayla screeches.

There's more screaming from my other friends that ran over.

"What are you all yelling about?" Ollie has to shout to be heard.

"MY NONEXISTENT POCKETS!!!" I scream, calmly.

Ollie stares at all of us for a good five minutes.

"What?" He finally asks.

"My pockets are FAKE!" I yell.

"Okay, okay, calm down! It's not that big of a deal!" He tells us.

I stare at him for a few moments.

"Excuse me? No big deal? No, no, no, no, no. I don't think you understand. I need pockets! I can't just not have pockets! I need to not have no pockets!" I shout.

"Not have no pockets? What do you mean?" He asks, obviously confused.

"I mean I need POCKETS!!!" I scream.

Jax covers his ears.

"Do you have to be so loud about it though? It's not the end of the world." Jack says.

"No one asked you!" Kayla yells at both Jack and Ollie.

"Okay, let's all calm down. I have a solution." Jax says.

We all turn to look at him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We return those pants and you can have these pants." He suggests, holding out a bag.

I take the bag and open it. I pull out a pair of pants and look at them for a minute.

"They have five pockets! Two front pockets, two back pockets, and a pocket on the side of the leg!" I yell, giving Jax a hug.

I don't like not having pockets. Five pockets is perfect though.

Sorry it took so long... and it's so short.

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