Love Spell part 4

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I open my eyes but shut them again immediately. Why is it so bright? And why is someone holding my hand?

"Thief? Are you awake?" A familiar voice asks me.

I open my eyes, blinking quickly until my eyes adjusted. Then I see my best friend ever sitting next to me and holding my hand.

"Hi." I say, sitting up. I rub my head with my free hand.

"Thief! I'm so glad you're okay!" Jax yells, grabbing me in a hug.

I hug him back. That's when I notice that my other friends are standing around us and most of them are smirking.

"What's going on?" I ask, breaking the hug.

"Well, you got hit by the love spell twice, meaning that you fell asleep until you were awoken by true love's kiss." Maxine explains. She looks like she's about to explode from happiness.

"So...?" I begin.

"So basically, Prince Charming here kissed you and you woke up." Jocelyn says.

I pause for a moment and my face goes red.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask finally, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Five days. Your family was worried. Like, really worried. They visited on the second and fourth days. I suspect they'll visit tomorrow as well." AG answers.

"FIVE DAYS?!?!" I shriek.

"Yes, five days. Good news though, we found a cure for the love spell." Maxine says.

"Wait, does the true love thing have anything to do with the love spell? Maybe they're not each others true love." Hayley points out.

When did she get here? I didn't see her until just now.

"Dude, my ship! Stop trying to sink my ship!" Ollie frowns.

I laugh. Jax does too.

"Guys, it's probably just the spell, I agree with Hayley." I lie.

"Yeah, totally." Jax agrees.

I lied I lied I lied. I really hope it's not.

"So what's the cure?" I ask.

"It's a hate spell. The effects will clash with each other and cancel each other out. Unless something goes wrong, in which case, you'll hate each other. Forever." Jocelyn explains.

I take in a sharp breath. I don't want to hate him. I can't hate him.

I open my mouth to protest. Jax does the same.

"And if you want to argue, we can just leave you like this and have you two stay in love." AG says.

"Nope." Jocelyn argues, taking a wand from one of the pockets in her dress.

I begin to protest again, but a flash of red hits me and the world goes dark. Again.

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