Bonus Chapter..

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Author's POV.

Evelyn woke up as her alarm went off. Turning to her side the bed was empty. She let out a sigh and tried to ease the ache that caused her. She sat up and rested her head on her hands. Heavy with thoughts for not receiving any news from her wife. Work hasn't been easy and managing their little daughter was not easy at all. She wanted a shoulder, she wanted Kai to tell her it'll be alright.
Lost in her thoughts she sat there for what felt like eternity till a soft knock was heard on the room door.
" mommy " the little girl called out.
" come here baby, mommy's up." Evelyn brushed her eyes and spoke in the sweetest tone she could muster right now.
the door opened and their little girl ran straight to her.
" good morning Laira. " Evelyn said taking the girl to her lap.
" Good morning mommy! " Laira squeked hugging her mommy tight.

At that moment Evelyn felt alive. The little anger she had for Kai for not being there faded away. Kai gave Evelyn the best gift she could ask for. In fact Laira was just like Kai. With black thick hair and dark eyes. She was a little piece of Kai.
Kai named their girl 'Laira' saying that in that way she could think of her every night when she's away.
' Laira means stars' as a matter of fact the girl's eyes looked like a night sky full of stars.
Laira was three years old now and she would often ask her mommy to tell stories about mom( Kai) and how mom named her.

" Are you hungry? " Evelyn asked upon hearing her little girls stomach rumble.
" starving! " Laira said pushing her head back with a pout. She was a dramatic little thing just like Kai.
Evelyn let out a laugh and carried her daughter.
" come on mommy will make you something. "
" Yay! And I want chocolate milk today! " the girl cheered in her Mommy's hands.
" Uh - huh, what else do you want? " Evelyn spoke holding her daughter tight as they went downstairs.


After breakfast Evelyn dropped Laira at hinari's place with all her books and toys. Hinari was more than happy to take care of her granddaughter when both the mothers were away.
It was a busy day at work for eve.
At lunch time her phone buzzed with a incoming call. Seeing it's her friends she answered it with no hesitation.
" ey! Good afternoon" jacky spoke he's voice filled with energy.
" good afternoon! It's so nice to hear from you'll" eve said.
" eve, let's cut to the case. We're going out for a drink tonight and you're coming with us." shahira spoke in a serious voice and eve could almost picture her face.
" what tonight? Guys, Laira? She's at mama's place now. I have to pick her up in the evening. " Eve spoke.
" Girl- you can ask hinari to take care of her for another couple of hours. You haven't gone out with us since when? You must come." jacky snapped.
" I know. I'll try my best if not I'm sorry. " eve said.
" let us know alright? The 13th floor okay? We'll see you there. " shahira said before cutting the line.

God that was sudden. Eve thought to herself. A part of her wanted to go out with her friends when a part of her wanted to go home with her little girl and have dinner and read stories till both of them eventually fell asleep. Taking the chance she called hinari almost immediately.

" mama, " eve said as hinari answered the phone.
" yes dear what is it." hinari spoke genuinely concerned.
" Can you see for laira for a little longer today? My friends asked me out now. If it's hard I understand I'll come take her. " eve blurted out in one breath.
Hinari laughed at the other end of the line.
" Eve! That's no problem. You go out have some fun tonight okay. Laira will be with me you don't need to worry. In fact take the whole night. I'll keep the girl with me. " hinari said calming eve down.
" You can do that for me? " Eve asked.
" of course hunny. Go have fun but send me the location you're going to just in case alright? " hinari asked.
" okay mama! Thank you so much. " eve spoke excited at the thought of going out.

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