Chapter 12.

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Kai's POV.

     I stopped at the familiar place and went in. A small bell rang as I opened the door.  In the waiting area, there was a woman and a child sitting. Then behind the counter was Nicole. I walked up to the counter and before I could say a word she went on.

" She has a patient in now, you may sit and wait till she comes. " She finished pointing over to the waiting area.
I let out a sigh. What does this woman have against me anyways.
" Alright then, have this. " I said sliding a packet of crackers over the counter to her, then turned to the waiting area.
" Don't you think it's too early for this? " She asked making me turn to look at her. She held the crackers with an raised eyebrow at me.

I just smiled and placed a cracker in my mouth. I think that made her annoyed when she just shook her head. I was pulled out my thoughts when something pulled the side of my shirt. A child! A little girl to be exact with the sweetest smile that you can ever see on a morning. I looked up to the lady next to her, her mother. " I'm sorry, Daisy come here. " She apologized pulling the girl close to her.
" No it's alright, let her be. " I said to which she returned a smile.
" Do you want one? " I asked lending a cracker to the little girl. She looked up to her mother for approval and with a nod the girl was chewing on the cracker. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable this little thing looks.

" Alright Mr. Damian, Nicole will let you know when to come again. "  Dragging all the attention in the room to her, she walked out.. with her patient.
" Thank you, Evelyn! I'll see you soon " the man said with a smile that creeped me out. I don't know who this man is but he doesn't look good. It's not the looks, you know when you see a person and you can say exactly what kind of a person he is sometimes, that's what I'm talking about.

Evelyn turned to the waiting area. At first she looked surprised and mad but you can see the corner of her lips curled up.
" Come in grace.. and Kai you too. " She said turning around. I walked after the little girl's mother and went in.
" Take a seat grace. Hey Daisy! " She squealed giving Daisy a hug.
" Hello aunty Evelyn! " The little girl squealed hugging her back.
Evelyn frowned at me from the side and walked up to grace, the little girl's mother. " I'm sorry but I had to bring her today, her father couldn't take her. "Grace said to which Evelyn smiled softly.  " Don't worry about it! I'll have someone look after her till this is done. " She told grace and turned to me with a grin. I don't like where this is going.

" Kai... Since you're here, take care of Daisy for me. " She said sitting down as if what she just said is that easy to do. 
" Uh- me? Eh- Evelyn can I talk to you for a second. " I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. She stood up and walked to me. I held her hand and walked her to the door where grace wouldn't hear us speak. She eyed down to me still holding her hand as we stood.
" Sorry?, " I said letting go of her hand to which she nodded a shade of light pink crept up her cheeks.
" Listen Evelyn, I don't know how to take care of kids, specially the ones that talk! And I don't even have a younger sibling not even a cousin! " I whisper yelled and took a look at grace who just smiled at us. 
" Kai, you're not supposed to be here in the first place. So deal with it, it's either school or babysitting? " She said rather questioning while staring right into me making me unable to say no. I hope she knows what she's doing right now. " I might take her out for a drink then" I said to which she gave me a glare sending chills down my spine. We walked back to grace and Daisy.
" Daisy, Aunty Kai will take care of you for awhile till mommy is with me.  " Evelyn said and the little girl walked up to me. " Alright, we'll be out then. " I said holding Daisy's hand and walking out.

I walked into a smiling Nicole. " Got served well! " She spoke looking at the computer screen in front of her. This! B-woman! What have I ever done to her. I ignored her smirks and sat at the waiting area with Daisy. I mean what's the worst thing that could happen, she's adorable.

Time passed by slowly as myself and Daisy sat and talked while she sometimes draw or eat. It's not that bad as I thought it'd be, we both bursted out laughing time to time earning an glare from Nicole. I wonder if Evelyn likes kids. She might, I- where the hell am I going with this.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Daisy spoke. " Mommy! " She waved excitedly at grace who came out with Evelyn. I looked at Evelyn to see whether I've passed the test or not and her smile said it all. I packed up Daisy's bag and walked to where grace and Evelyn stood.
" Thank you Kai, " grace said with a smile taking Daisy's bag to her hand.
I smiled back and both Evelyn and I watched them walk out.

" Soo, when are you planning to repay me. " I asked her.
" Repay you? For what? " She asked turning to me.
" For what I've just done for you, you won't be able to find a babysitter for Daisy if I wasn't here. " I said smiling sheepishly.
" Babysitter, nonsense! If you weren't here Nicole would gladly take care of her. " She said with a smirk and turned to go in.
" Her?!! Look after a kid! More like to scare the kid with those stares of her. " I said walking behind her.

A/N : thank you reading and voting! It's means a lot to me. Hope you enjoyed this one,
Have a great day/night <3

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